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    Love Trumps Fear, Every Time – (Chapter: 1)

    No daughter of mine can be this way. This is not how my life was supposed to be. I’ve done everything that a good mother should. I’ve had her focused on school, extracurricular activities, and church. Was that not enough. I’ve never failed at anything. I was successful in school in my career. I’m a surgeon. How could I fail at this. I can’t fail at this. My daughter can not be a…one of them.

    Breaking her out of her thoughts. Arthur, as if he was reading her mind, interrupts, “It’s not about you, Paula. Our children have to discover who they love on their own. It’s not something that you personally can decide. There’s no recipe for love. You of all people should know that.”

    “But this kind of love is …un …natural. Spencer can’t know at her age what real love is all about”

    “Why can’t she know?… You don’t”


    “Real love is staring you in the face and you have chosen to love elsewhere…can we say Ben.  How can you judge our daughter so harshly when you at your age have no idea what real love is..”  Arthur was surprised to realize that he had began to yell his thoughts to Paula. The pain in his heart was now in his eyes and pouring out of his mouth.

    “Arthur, don’t try and make this about me. This is about our daughter Spencer! I didn’t work this hard in life to get the things that I want for my only daughter to be gay!”

    “This is classic. Do you hear yourself? Are you even listening to the words coming out of your mouth?!” Paula gasped at his words leaving her mouth hanging open with surprise. Arthur hadn’t spoken this much about his feelings in some time now.

    Arthur continued, “Since we’ve moved here, I’ve been patient with the changes. I’ve let you practically run our household and make decisions without question. At dinner, you have to be the one who prays even though you are being hypocritical. You are the one who decides that I need to sleep on the couch when you are the one who’s cheating! And now you think you get to decide alone what’s best for Spencer…”

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    1. I’m really loving this story so far. It’s different. I love the fact that you’re writing from Paula’s perspective of things. I’ll definitely be reading the next chapter! PMS!

    2. I’m really loving this story so far. It’s different. I love the fact that you’re writing from Paula’s perspective of things. I’ll definitely be reading the next chapter! PMS!

    3. Well, it’s well written, which is always a good start for a story. You always need a few chapters to see how something is going to turn out, but lets just say I’ll be online for chapter 2 :)

    4. Well, it’s well written, which is always a good start for a story. You always need a few chapters to see how something is going to turn out, but lets just say I’ll be online for chapter 2 :)

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