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    Love Trumps Fear, Every Time – (Chapter: 8)


    “Spencer are you feeling okay?

    “Yeah, I guess. I don’t know. You have so much more experience than me. I didn’t want to disappoint you…you know. I didn’t want to seem lame if I should have been saying …yes”

    Ashley looked into the blue eyes staring back at her , “We’ve been making love since 2:30 am this morning… although with a few minor interruptions…Why would I want to be with anyone else but you?”

    “I’m sorry Ash. My mind is just so happy not to be crying or running or whatever. And besides I’ve just never seen so many gay people at once. Sometimes I thought that we were the only ones that existed.”

    “In my world, we are…”, kissing Spencer completely forgetting about Jessica.

    “You are not mad at me are you for even considering?….”, Spencer asked shyly putting her forehead against the brunette.  "You know, I love you and only you", kissing Ashley softly.

    “I know…I know that this is all new to you. I’m not mad at you.  I was the same way in the beginning.”

    “You know we’ve never actually gone to a gay bar before…?

    “I know…you’re just so damn irresistible…I always just want to take you straight to bed…”

    Spencer wrapped her arms around Ashley.  Tilting her head giving Ashley a smile.

    Jessica was getting impatient. She walked over to the two smiling with hope in her eyes. She purposely stepped behind Ashley wrapping her arms around her waist so that she could look in those blue eyes that she was beginning to adore. “Sooooo… are we all friends tonight?”, kissing the back of Ashley’s neck. Mmmm.. damn….stop. Ashley felt herself getting turned on with the feeling of Spencer’s hips against her and Jessica’s warmth from behind.


    Ashley opened her mouth to speak, but was interrupted by Spencer, “You know Jessica you are a beautiful girl…”

    “..but”, Jessica anticipated…

    “Ashley and I are still working on just getting enough of each other….to add a shake to our fries tonight would be just a stomach ache later…

    Jessica looking a little lost at Spencer’s new lingo, “Okay…just thought I’d ask…maybe…another time…if you two ever crave sucking down a strawberry milkshake…just find me….” Letting go of Ashley, she walked away trailing her hands around Spencer’s waist. Both Ashley and Spencer looked at her each feeling light shivers.

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