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    Roommateness? – (Chapter: Chapter 3)

    Just then there was a knock at the door. Ashley jumped off and answered the door, silently cursing Aiden’s existence. Aiden walked in holding two pizza boxes in one hand and a case of beer in the other. “I thought we’d make it a room warming party” Aiden said holding up the beer.


    “Yeah, great Aiden, thanks” Ashley said as she took the pizza from him and placed it on the floor in between the beds. The room wasn’t big enough for a table so all three of them sat around the pizza on the floor. Aiden had brought paper plates and napkins, he always thought things through when it came to food. Each grabbed a beer and a slice and fell they fell back into the easy conversations from earlier.


    “So Aiden” Spencer began and shot Ashley a sly grin “you must have a lot of stories about Ashley”


    Aiden quickly caught on mirrored the blonde’s grin “you have no idea” he answered.


    Ashley was getting nervous. She knew the kind of dirt Aiden could bring up. Why am I so nervous?….Who am I kidding? I really want her to like me. She thought to herself, still waiting to hear what Aiden was going to say.


    “There was this one time when she was performing at an open mic night…..” Aiden started but was quickly cut off by protests


    “Aiden! Don’t you dare!” The brunette warned slapping him on the arm playfully


    “Nope, now I have to hear it.” The blonde said laughing and shaking her head.


    “As I was saying.. before I was rudely interrupted” Aiden glanced at the now blushing Ashley  “Ashley was performing and she was getting really into the song, but something happened to the equipment I guess and the mic turned off, so here is Ashley still singing and getting really into the song and no one can hear her”  Ashley has her head buried in her hands waiting for the story to end when she feels a comforting hand on her knee. The brunette looked up to find Spencer’s hand gently place on her.


    “That’s not so bad” the blonde began.


    “O but that’s not all” Aiden continued “Ash was so embarrassed she rushed off stage and tripped on a wire” They were all laughing, some harder than others but the moment was enjoyed by all.

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    1. HA! Spencer is so fickle doesn’t she know she should be going after Ashley and not some strange redhead that is only into freshmen? Lordie . . . PMS please!

    2. HA! Spencer is so fickle doesn’t she know she should be going after Ashley and not some strange redhead that is only into freshmen? Lordie . . . PMS please!

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