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    Project New Girl – (Chapter: A bet)

    It was 11am on a typical Monday morning, and Aiden and I were taking our third coffee break.  It wasn’t that I was avoiding work, not technically, it was just that Work and I had never really seen eye to eye, and so actually sitting at my desk and doing my job would merely be an act of admitting defeat… and I could not let Work win! Instead, I was getting yet another caffeine fix with the guy who’d given me the job in the first place.

    Having Aiden as my team leader could have been a massive blow to my ego – and our fifteen year friendship – but instead it was rather more like having your immature best mate to mess around with whilst in an office environment.  Anyone else would have been given the sack by now, but not me!  Call it favouritism.

    The fact that my darling mother had somehow managed to cut me off financially made it so that I needed a job in the first place, but the timing just happened to conveniently coincide with an opening at the advertising agency Aiden had been with since graduating from college, and so with a few good words from him in the director’s ear, I was snapped up by the company immediately.  It also helped that I had a natural talent for blagging, and so whenever challenged about the work I was supposed to be doing, I was somehow able to think of a winning campaign on the spot.  Through a couple of promotions and a few reward schemes for my successful pitches, my bank balance was looking decidedly healthy, and I was nearing the end of my fourth happy year at DJC Advertising with a good reputation in the ad world.  You could say my career was blossoming, but it was only making up for severe holes in other areas of my life…

    “Met the new girl yet?” Aiden asked me from over his shoulder as he filled the kettle with water for the fourth time that morning.

    “There’s a new girl?” I asked, my eyebrows raising.  I hoisted myself up onto the kitchen surface as Aiden swung around to place the now-full kettle down in its cradle.  I flicked the switch before he had the chance to.

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    1. ok so first off – so glad that your writing another fic, makes me all warm and happy! Secondly – loved it, i’m most decidedly intrigued and yeah ^^ complete schock ashley already knowing who she is. Funny coincidence that though….! PMS :)

    2. ahhh. amazing! how do you guys come up with this stuff!? seriously, i would never think of anything that creative. i love it though! please update :]

    3. whoa whoa whoa!! hold the phone! god almighty its bannerman! today truely is a beautiful day. great to have you back, and i’m definatly diggin the new story line. cant wait for more

    4. OMG! You’re back, after all this time! I love it. Gawd, u have no idea how much. I’m in love again. This story is awesome. And what is it with Ashley getting sick when she sees Spencer? That’s gotta be a sign. I’d really like her to win the bet but at this point it doesn’t look lyk she will. I wish her luck though. And it’s nice to have you back Bannerman! Josh! That guy from England! Yay! *does happy dance* Much love. So much, u have no idea, once again. My tremendous feelings for you and this story are bigger than colosaal! They’re mammoth. *kicks happy dance up a notch* Yesyesyes!. I’m already obsessed with this. Lordie…What am I going to do? I know what YOU have to do though. PMS! Please?

    5. cheers for all the replies, folks! glad to see you’re enjoying it :-D I’ll get another post up as soon as I can. I’m on a work placement at the moment so it’s all a bit crazy, but hey, I posted! get me! *does a happy dance, like NotTwinny*. cheerio for now! Jx

    6. do u have ADD…jus a little? u start like 20 million-kajillion stories then u dont finish them. but i really like this one. its intriguing how ash knows spencer already….hm but how? found out next millenium when bannerman posts again.

    7. ok so first off – so glad that your writing another fic, makes me all warm and happy! Secondly – loved it, i’m most decidedly intrigued and yeah ^^ complete schock ashley already knowing who she is. Funny coincidence that though….! PMS :)

    8. ahhh. amazing! how do you guys come up with this stuff!? seriously, i would never think of anything that creative. i love it though! please update :]

    9. whoa whoa whoa!! hold the phone! god almighty its bannerman! today truely is a beautiful day. great to have you back, and i’m definatly diggin the new story line. cant wait for more

    10. OMG! You’re back, after all this time! I love it. Gawd, u have no idea how much. I’m in love again. This story is awesome. And what is it with Ashley getting sick when she sees Spencer? That’s gotta be a sign. I’d really like her to win the bet but at this point it doesn’t look lyk she will. I wish her luck though. And it’s nice to have you back Bannerman! Josh! That guy from England! Yay! *does happy dance* Much love. So much, u have no idea, once again. My tremendous feelings for you and this story are bigger than colosaal! They’re mammoth. *kicks happy dance up a notch* Yesyesyes!. I’m already obsessed with this. Lordie…What am I going to do? I know what YOU have to do though. PMS! Please?

    11. cheers for all the replies, folks! glad to see you’re enjoying it :-D I’ll get another post up as soon as I can. I’m on a work placement at the moment so it’s all a bit crazy, but hey, I posted! get me! *does a happy dance, like NotTwinny*. cheerio for now! Jx

    12. do u have ADD…jus a little? u start like 20 million-kajillion stories then u dont finish them. but i really like this one. its intriguing how ash knows spencer already….hm but how? found out next millenium when bannerman posts again.

    13. i didn’t see that coming! i was gonna say spence is gonna be pissed when she find sout ashley is part of the bet, but now that they obviously know each other ashley’s probably out. it’s so exciting to see that you’re starting something new! i’ve always loved your stuff, oh yes…

    14. i didn’t see that coming! i was gonna say spence is gonna be pissed when she find sout ashley is part of the bet, but now that they obviously know each other ashley’s probably out. it’s so exciting to see that you’re starting something new! i’ve always loved your stuff, oh yes…

    15. Ah bannerman, my love, my darling, and my one and only. Ok.. so I don’t quite own you, and I live on another continent, but I STILL think about you even though this is the first posting you’ve done in like, forever! So therefore I count :) And I loves ya so it definitely counts. So, onto actual comments that aren’t about your inherent sexiness and brilliance, etc, but about the POST. It was… a great start. And I think Ashley should ask for the piece of paper back so she can wipe the vomit off her face eh. She’ll probably win anyway, once Spencer remembers what she’s like in bed, but on the other hand, Spencer might slowly paper cut her carotids open. I guess it depends on how they left it. I wonder how they left it… hmm.. muses for a minute… Oh, on a tangent, Goober has become a muse for another writer. I know I’m not as pretty as her, but I don’t have a bung knee so I won’t fall off the damn cloud.. can I be your muse??? I’ll bake you cyber cookies and sing musey songs at you. Plus I comment on EVERYTHING you write so I like, can leave musey comments for the next time. Please please please please please PRETTY please! Sorry, back to the comments. Bets are always a bad idea. So is vomiting when you see your new work collegue. Not a very auspicious start for our girls but the brilliance of the writing, the banter of the AD’s, and the clearly riveting story line are auspicious indeed. So auspicious I might have to break out the chicken giblets to find out what’s in store. Naah, I’ll just lurk :) Love you! Sx

    16. Ah bannerman, my love, my darling, and my one and only. Ok.. so I don’t quite own you, and I live on another continent, but I STILL think about you even though this is the first posting you’ve done in like, forever! So therefore I count :) And I loves ya so it definitely counts. So, onto actual comments that aren’t about your inherent sexiness and brilliance, etc, but about the POST. It was… a great start. And I think Ashley should ask for the piece of paper back so she can wipe the vomit off her face eh. She’ll probably win anyway, once Spencer remembers what she’s like in bed, but on the other hand, Spencer might slowly paper cut her carotids open. I guess it depends on how they left it. I wonder how they left it… hmm.. muses for a minute… Oh, on a tangent, Goober has become a muse for another writer. I know I’m not as pretty as her, but I don’t have a bung knee so I won’t fall off the damn cloud.. can I be your muse??? I’ll bake you cyber cookies and sing musey songs at you. Plus I comment on EVERYTHING you write so I like, can leave musey comments for the next time. Please please please please please PRETTY please! Sorry, back to the comments. Bets are always a bad idea. So is vomiting when you see your new work collegue. Not a very auspicious start for our girls but the brilliance of the writing, the banter of the AD’s, and the clearly riveting story line are auspicious indeed. So auspicious I might have to break out the chicken giblets to find out what’s in store. Naah, I’ll just lurk :) Love you! Sx

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