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    Take a guesse – (Chapter: I Love You too [Chapter 2])

    “I love you”

    Wow, did I just hear right? Did she just tell me she loves me? Umm, all I can think is wow, I never thought she would actually say it, well not first and at this moment. Wow, I know I have a stupid grin on my face and I know I’m blushing like crazy right now, I can feel my face burning, I can feel my face turning her favorite shade of red, and now I remember when she first told me that.

    We were just laying there on the beach, under the pier, this place had officially become ‘our spot’. And well today she was feeling extra happy, and who wouldn’t after that amazing night we had the day before, all of the touching, the teasing, but I was especially fond of the screaming, especially of each other’s names. I can still hear it, her screaming my name as she came, “Oh fuck me harder…”

    I was snapped out of my daze when I, actually I don’t even know what snapped me out of my daze but I looked at her and she looked like she was thinking deeply about something and at the same time waiting for my response. But I like to see her squirm, not because I’m evil but because she’s cute when she squirms.

    She was screaming my name as I had two fingers inside her and my thumb just caressing her clit. She interrupted my replay of the night before with her mouth, in two ways too, one with a quick peck on the lips witch soon turned into a short make-out session and then by knowing exactly what I was thinking of moments before. She told me that I should stop dwelling on what happened the night before as if it wasn’t ever going to happen again. And once again she told me we would be together forever and we were meant to be. Of course I blushed, the way she said it, like if she actually meant it, and I could see the love in her eyes even through the sunglasses she had on. I hated and loved the power she had over me, my face was burning up from the red invading my face, and then she asked me, “Baby, do you know what my favorite color is?” I was dumbfounded by the randomness of the question but nonetheless I was searching my memories for an answer. I thought hard, tying to remember if she ever revealed that information. My mind drew blanks, just replaying all of our conversations that we’ve had over the past few months. To my surprise (well not really) I remembered most of our conversations that we’ve had, especially the ones that ones that I learned something new about my love. I was in deep thought and then I realized, I knew what she wanted to be when she was a grown up at age 5, I knew her favorite CD of all time, heck I even knew what she liked in bed but I don’t know what her favorite color is. I looked at her and responded softly “I don’t know” She looked at me and smiled, you know that smile that could brighten up any person’s day, she gave me that smile and I blushed not expecting that reaction and then she said, “My favorite color is Bubble Butt Red” I blushed some more, I could feel my face literally burning as if a match was a few inches away from my face. I loved that nickname she gave me, Bubble Butt, I just loved it, she called me it after our first time together she just loved grabbing my butt so much she said it was like a bubble thus the name. I chuckled and just grinned I was going to say I love you right then and there but my instincts took over and I had my way with her right there in the beach. It was the most passionate time at the beach we had. She dozed off and I told her, “I Love you with all my heart.” Of course she didn’t hear me but I was glad I told her.

    There was no difference from then and now. I do love her, with all my heart, but giving her my heart is also giving her the power to break it, but how else could I learn to trust her. I once heard that love is the power to giving someone you heart to do anything with it even breaking it but trusting them not to. I have to tell her, she’s just so beautiful, so gorgeous, I wish I knew how I got so lucky, what I did to deserve this because if it was something I did I would’ve liked to do it a long time ago. I look down at my phone while I can see her beautiful eyes look around me and check that it has only been a few seconds since she told me how she felt. And that’s how it’s always been between me and her, time just stops for us because out of every one thousand couples 1 is really in love and we are that one.

    She’s starting to look worried maybe I should tell her, knowing her she’s probably thinking I’m thinking of a way to let her down easy, well here goes nothing, well more like here goes everything, I beg of you don’t break my heart.

    “I love you too Ms. …”


    1. “…but giving her my heart is also giving her the power to break it, but how else could I learn to trust her.” — > So true… keep posting…(smile)…

    2. “…but giving her my heart is also giving her the power to break it, but how else could I learn to trust her.” — > So true… keep posting…(smile)…

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