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    My Alien Girlfriend – (Chapter: The truth shall set you free … or not?)

    “I will see you at home after track practice,” Ashley said readjusting her track bag on her shoulder.

    “Alright,” Spencer nodded. “Did you want me to come pick you up afterwards?”

    “No, I will run home, it makes for good practice,” the Martian replied before giving the blonde a quick kiss on the cheek and skipping off to practice.

    Spencer started walking towards the parking lot. She couldn’t wait to get home it had been a very long and confusing school day.

    “Hey cutie,” she heard called behind her. The blonde frowned and turned around. Her stomach went into knots when she saw who it was. Carmen.

    “Hello,” she replied lamely.

    “So,” the brunette stretched out. “Is your girlfriend around?”

    “Oh no, she has practice. Why?”

    “Well, I was wondering if you wanted to go out with me this Saturday.”

    Wow. Carmen really does go after whomever she wants, girlfriend be damned! But this is what Spencer wanted right? Right!? Hey! I’m talking to you! Answer the question!

    “Um,” Spencer stuttered. “Aren’t you going out with Heather Gold?”

    The short brunette laughed and shook her head. “Oh no, she’s old news. You’re who I have my sights set on now babe.”

    Spencer tried not to visibly cringe. She hated being called babe. That was such a player thing to say. Plus babe is a pig from that one movie. What’s that movie called? Oh yeah! Babe! Duh!

    “Well then I guess I’ll think about it.”

    Carmen’s smug smile faltered a bit. “You’ll think about it?” She asked confused.

    The blonde nodded. “Yes, I will think about it.”

    “Alright fine, but while you think about that, think about this too,” the short brunette brought her lips down on to Spencer’s surprised ones.

    Carmen pulled away quickly gave the blonde a wink and walked away. Spencer stood shocked completely still. “Oh my God,” she muttered to no one in particular.

    Spencer’s Bedroom

    “So she finally asked you out,” Madison asked over the phone.

    “Yep,” Spencer smiled. “And then she kissed me.”

    “Wow that’s gross.”

    “Madison! It was not gross! It was okay though compared to Ash- I mean other people I have kissed in the past,” Spencer scrambled out.

    “Wait! Hold on! Were you about to compare Carmen’s kiss to Ashley’s?”

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    1. I have to agree with Madison, Spencer is STUPID and along with the guilt Spencer is feeling, I think she’s in love with Ashley but she’s still to obsessed with ugh…Carmen to see it. And if Paula went Postal on Spencer I’d be right there helping her kick her a**. Great update, can’t wait for the next one.

    2. paula’s been dipping into whatever caldwell’s on hasn’t she? lol it was hysterical though with her little GI Jane antics. poor ash, I dunno if the video is of spencer and carmen’s conversation or something worse but it doesn’t seem like it’s something that’s going to be good. spence needs to get her head outta her ass and wise up. excellent update, pms!!

    3. Awesome update, funny as always! I’m glad Ash is learning the truth, it’s about time Spencer gets whats coming to her! This way she can beg for Ashley’s forgiveness! So we all agree that Paula is totally crazy alien like insane right? Which is hilarious! PMS!!!

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