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    Incomprehensible – (Chapter: New Place)

    Ashley inhaled hard. Thank the Lord it came this week! I don’t know if I could have waited any longer… She breathed out slowly, steadidly, and calmly. Her shipment had been way overdue and she had practically screamed with pleasure when it had arrived the other day. She had paid extra money for faster shipment and it had still come late! Still she felt a wave of pleasure fill her as the familiar sensation of smoke filled her lungs causing all of her senses to awaken. She let out a growl of frustration as an annoying tapping contacted with her shoulder breaking through her moment of bliss.

    "What is it now!?" she snapped not even bothering to hide her annoyed feelings toward the girl now sprawled out on her bed rubbing her legs together furiously trying to achieve the pleasure she wanted.

    "Please! You can’t leave me like this!" the smaller gorl moaned from the bed.

    "Oh really?" the brunette inquired slightly amused, "watch me…" Ashley stood up and headed for the door making sure she grabbed her stash on the way out, "I’m going home…I’m bored… you go ahead and uh," she motioned with a finger to the girls current stat, "and finished what I started." THe petite girl let out a moan and began frantically thrusting her fingers in and out pf her core pushing herself over the edge. Ashley chuckled in amusement as she heard the girl scream her name in pleasure.

    Ashley left the house a broad smile on her face. She had brought the petite red head all the way to her climax several times that evening and had then stopped…without finishing. She didn’t know why doing this to girl after girl gave her pleasure it just did. Every night she went to the bar and picked up the hottest girl she could lay her hands on. For a few moments while Ashley was fucking the girl senseless the empty hole in the brunette was filled. She walked down to the street, unlocked her Porshe and slipped into the drivers seat. She put the key in the ignition and started her car taking a long drag before driving off.

    Spencer looked around her new room and sighed. She hated the bright pink color that was plastered all over the walls of the room. But I can paint it. She had to admit it was bigger than her old room in their farm house in Ohio but there was still something missing. The blonde reached into her coat pocket and removed a picture. She looked at the two girls in the black and white picture and couldn’t help but smile. Sarah always insisted on usinig that creepy old camera… Spencer chuckled and walked over to the bulliten board above her desk. She pinned the picture there in the center of the board admiring how happy the two girls looked. Now it is much more like home… she sighed and looked out her window but instead of seeing the rolling hills of Ohio Spencer’s eyes fell on the bustling streets of Los Angeles.

    "This…is going to be intresting…"


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