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    Take a guesse – (Chapter: Everything falls into place [Chapter 3])

    “I love you too, Ms….”

    As soon as I heard I love you too, I couldn’t help myself I threw myself on her. I mean yes I would’ve loved to hear my name at the end of that ‘I love you too’ but there were many hints that it was directed towards me like the fact that I was the only one in the room, she was looking directly at me I was actually getting lost in her eyes once again, oh and third she said too which means she was responding to my ‘I love you.’ Now we’re both on the floor, all I heard was her grunt, her cute grunt, well I did literally tackle her to the ground, and once again I get lost in those beautiful eyes of hers, god why can’t she be uglier, well just a little bit uglier, may bi wouldn’t love her so god damn much. What am I talking about, of course I would, my complete heart would be hers, trusting her not to break it.

    I realize I’m still in this lip lock with my love on the ground, ugh, her lips are so soft, so juicy, and I love them. Why the hell did God make humans need oxygen, I pull away and hear her little put and I look at her and realize she could’ve lasted longer in the lip lock we just shared. So I decide to make it up to her, I go in for the neck, first kissing it softly, then I start sucking a little bit, missing her pulse points by centimeters on purpose, knowing that she gets naughtier the more I tease her, and basically, I love her naughty side, I never know what to expect from her, which is what makes it all that much hotter.

    This time I was really teasing her, circling around her wetness, flicking her hard nipple, missing her pulse point by mere millimeters. I had stripped for her earlier, like three minutes earlier, and apparently my striptease turned into me stripping her. I told her she wasn’t allowed to touch me, not even put her hands on my waist or anything. To make sure she wasn’t going to touch me I threatened her, touch me and you’re not getting any tonight, that simple. And she knew I would just stop out of nowhere, I’ve done it before although it was against my better judgment. But at least the next days sex was a lot better. Anyway, she replied with a shaking of her head, up and down, and kept going with all the kissing. I loved how this girl needed me inside her to function regularly.

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    1. Wow…….ummmmmm…yeah I really need the shower now *screams for brother to get out* that was hot and yet painful all at once just WOW nice’ve rendered me speechless.

    2. Wow…….ummmmmm…yeah I really need the shower now *screams for brother to get out* that was hot and yet painful all at once just WOW nice’ve rendered me speechless.

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