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    Roommateness? – (Chapter: Chapter 9)

    Ashley anxiously waited at the terminal for Spencer. Holding a single pink rose, and wearing a smile that stretched from ear to ear. The brunette held her breath as the blonde vision stepped into sight.


    Spencer searched the faces in the terminal until finding a familiar one, her eye caught Ashley’s and they held the gaze for a moment. They slowly made their way towards each other; both girls were nervous but excited when they finally met. Spencer throwing her arms around Ashley’s neck, and Ashley pulling her closer by the waist.


    “Hey you” Ashley whispered before pulling away.


    “Hey yourself” Spencer said with a smile


    Ashley handed Spencer the rose and took her duffle bag from her.


    “You are so sweet”


    “Yeah, yeah how was your trip” Ashley tried to change the subject to hide her blush


    “Too long, you ready to go?”


    “Yeah but we’re not going back to campus” Ashley said, grabbing Spencer’s hand and leading her to the car.


    “Wait, where are we going?”


    “Gosh Spence, it’s a surprise”


    “I don’t think I can handle anymore surprises” Spencer said louder than she had meant to.


    “What does that mean?” The brunette asked concerned “Everything okay at home?”


    “Yeah, nothing to worry about” lie “I’ll tell you once we get to our mystery location.”


    “We’re here” Ashley said pulling up to a gigantic house. “Home sweet home.”


    “This is your house?” Spencer said in amazement


    “Yep, my mom and number five are gone for the week so it’s all ours tonight”


    The girls got out of the car and made their way inside. The house was beautiful, and Spencer couldn’t help but be in awe. Ashley led the blonde to a small table set for two. The sat down across from eachother.


    “Ash, you didn’t have to do this” Spencer was blushing, very touched by the brunettes surprise.


    “I missed you” She pulled the girl’s hand to her mouth, giving it a small kiss “Now tell me about your trip”


    Spencer’s face dropped, she knew that she would have to tell Ashley soon, before Sarah moved onto campus. “It was fine. I missed you too”

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    1. This story is cute from beginging to………now. Please keep updating this story. This story gets a big thumbs up and “Awwwwwwwwwwww”……for sweetness. This is the Spashley sweetness I wanna see next season. You’re a great writer, too;)

    2. Oh yeah, Sarah sucks! She and Spencer were together 2 months and had an on and off relationship?! Even if they were friends first, thats not long at all. I’d be worried if they were high school sweet hearts. Is she Spencer first? How experienced is Spencer? I like Brianna even though there’s no excuse for her behavior. Who gets that drunks? And who gets teary eyed when a hot girl jumps on them? Not me but, Brianna seems nice. Her fling/one night stand with Ashley is interesting. And she must’ve liked Ash a little because she remembers her lyrics. Is there something there because I felt some chemistry between them when Ash blushed after hearing this. I look forward to Sarah and Brianna being around. PMS

    3. This story is cute from beginging to………now. Please keep updating this story. This story gets a big thumbs up and “Awwwwwwwwwwww”……for sweetness. This is the Spashley sweetness I wanna see next season. You’re a great writer, too;)

    4. Oh yeah, Sarah sucks! She and Spencer were together 2 months and had an on and off relationship?! Even if they were friends first, thats not long at all. I’d be worried if they were high school sweet hearts. Is she Spencer first? How experienced is Spencer? I like Brianna even though there’s no excuse for her behavior. Who gets that drunks? And who gets teary eyed when a hot girl jumps on them? Not me but, Brianna seems nice. Her fling/one night stand with Ashley is interesting. And she must’ve liked Ash a little because she remembers her lyrics. Is there something there because I felt some chemistry between them when Ash blushed after hearing this. I look forward to Sarah and Brianna being around. PMS

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