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    Incomprehensible – (Chapter: Chapter 3: Rejected!)

    Spencer had cheered her heart out and now she was exhausted. She turned to see Madison standing there and actual smile on her face. Well that’s a first…

    "Spencer! You did good today girl! You might be just what this squad needs…" the Latina winked and walked past Spencer to the locker rooms. Spencer stood there amazed, trying ot process the recent events wow…I think that was a compliment… The blonde soon returned to reality and turned around to follow the cheerleader into the locker rooms. As she was walking, however, a body crashed into her causing her to spill all of the cheerleading equipment she was carrying.

    "God damn it! Why don’t you watch where you’re going!" I looked up at the girl that i had bumped into after I picked up the equipment and gave a grunt of disgust, "nevermind turns out you can’t…" Ashley swayed and her eyes grew as they fell upon Spencer.

    "Wow I’m so sorry! Do you need help?!"   

    "No you do…"

    "What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Ashley replied fury in her voice. As much as she thought this girl was hot, sexy, and perfect she would not be talked to like that.

    "Just fuck off okay! Leave me alone!"

    "Easy bitch!" the brunette yelled as the blonde stalked away, "god fuckin’ damn it!" Ashley slapped her hand hard to her forehead. She turned around to yell at Aiden to stop watching her because she could feel his eyes on her. When she turned around however it was not Aiden who’s eyes were checking her out but a tall brunette. She had on a sports bra and shorts. Who where’s short shorts?! Ashely strolled over to the cheerleader and leaned in seductively to whisper in the girls ear, "you ready for some fun…?" She nodded and Ashley grabbed her hand and practically dragged her out of the gym.

     Spencer paced around the stairs to the parking lot.  Where the fucking hell is he!? pencer brought out her phone to call her brother who had mysteriously vanished after basketball practice. Surprisingly enough so had Madison. Spencer sighed and looked around the deserted parking lot. Almost everyone was gone except for a black Porshe parked at the end. Well guess that’s my only ticket out of here…  She walked over to the car and knocked on the tinted window.


    "Goawaayyyy!" someone said hoarsely. "Uhhhhh…" 

    Spencer tried again, "please!" She yelled pounding on the winow. She heard someone inside whisper, "hold on a sec hun." The window rolled down and none other than Ashley’s face poked throguh. Ashley seemed to stop breathing as she met with those beautiful eyes for the third time that day.

    "Shit…" Spencer breathed.

    "Baby! Please!" Spencer heard a girl yell from inside the car. Ashley turned her head back into the car.

    "Shut up and get the hell out of my car," she said calmly and returned to the blonde outside of her car, "now what’s your problem?"

    "Umm…my brother kinda ditched me…" Ashley’s mouth formed an "O" and she scoffed as the side door opened and out stepped the tall brunette. She was clothed in her sports bra and shorts again. She got dressed fast considering she was wearing nothing a couple minutes before.

    "Get in…" Ashley said to the nervous blonde.

    "Umm…thanks…" Spencer made as if she was going to get into the car but she hesitated her hand resting on the car door handle, "are you high…? Still?"

    Ashley shook her head feverishly, "no that wore off hours ago!"

    "All right then," Spencer opened the door and Ashley yelled.

    "No! Don’t get in!"

    "Well than what the hell do you want?" Spencer yelled back confused and annoyed.

    "Well unless you wanna see me without any clothes…which you know wouldn’t be a problem for me…" the brunette bit her bottom lip but inside was mentally scolding herself, fuck Ashley! You always have to screw everything up!

    "Do you always have to be a smart ass?!"

    "Actually yeah I do!"

    "Forget this…It was a waste of time…" Spencer turned to twalk away as Ashley began pulling on her clothes furioiusly.

    "Wait Spencer!" Ashley hopped out of the car and ran after the blonde, "please Spencer!" she grabbed her hand and spun her around. The two were very close together and Spencer could feel Ashley’s breath against her cheek.

    "Please…just let me drive you home…" Spencer thought it over but soon nodded and the two headed over to the black Porshe both trying to ignore the feelings that had shot through them…



    1. Hhahah! Start that wriiting frenzy back up, we need more chapters. Please? Please pms cos we need them, we really need them. I’m really into this story. Love!

    2. Hhahah! Start that wriiting frenzy back up, we need more chapters. Please? Please pms cos we need them, we really need them. I’m really into this story. Love!

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