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    Backwards! – (Chapter: Almost Perfect Night Out)

    It had been a couple of days since Rowan’s life story and the weird incounter with ‘Ashley’ the cheer-bitch. Spencer had thought that her and Rowan had really connected after he explained his situation so Spencer hadn’t the heart to bring up the Ashely issue. Wow I have NOTHING to wear… Spencer thought as she stared at her closet. I really don’t want to go to this dance…but it’s important to Rowan. I should at least make an effort…to bad I have nothing to WEAR! Spencer finally decided on a blue halter dress that showed off her legs. She was just finishing up her make up when she heard Rowan’s now familiar car beep.

    "COMING!" Spencer hurried down the stairs and had her hand on the door when…

    "Spence, can I talk to you?"

    "Sure dad…but I really have to go so…"

    "I’ll be brief. Your…" he took a deep breath before continuing, "your mother wants to come…visit you…here."

    Spencer just stared for awhile. She had opened and closed her mouth several times before sound protruded from between her lips.

    "Umm…wow…talk about your surprise attack…well what do you think I should do dad?"

    "I think it might be a good idea for you to talk at least…for a little while…"

    "Well than…all right…sure," Spencer wheeled around and walked out of the door leaving a depressed Arthur in her stead. She quickly walked down the doorstep and slipped into the passenger side of Rowan’s car.

    "Hey Spence! Are you ready to par-tay?!"


    "Spencer what’s wrong?"

    "My…my mom is coming to visit…"

    Rowan took awhile to answer, "Spence I know that…that your mom has been terrible to you…but maybe you should give her a chance," he spoke weighing each word carefully. "When she comes to visit… I will be there for you. I will meet her with you. I’m not going to let you go through this alone." He leaned over and hugged his best friend. He knew this was hard for Spencer. She had told him all about her so called "mother". How she had hit Spencer; how she had tried to disown Spencer. He wouldn’t… he couldn’t let her go through with this alone.

    "Thank you Rowan," Spencer whispered into the older boy’s ear a sob in her voice. Rowan could feel the wetness on his shoulder from her tears. He held her for several minutes before pulling away.

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    1. hey ive been following your story ( and others lol) just been a lurker for awhile…but i just had to say AWESOME job! i love how they havent just jumped into stuff, and how you are developing the friendship between spencer and rowan. Its totally great!!! keep it up and keep it this long :P

    2. hey ive been following your story ( and others lol) just been a lurker for awhile…but i just had to say AWESOME job! i love how they havent just jumped into stuff, and how you are developing the friendship between spencer and rowan. Its totally great!!! keep it up and keep it this long :P

    3. u tease… im telling ur mother. nope can’t tlk me out of it…im doing it…look at me go *walks away from the computer and to ur house to tell ur mum*POST MORE SOOM…yea watch me go…i cant even spell. oh well.

    4. u tease… im telling ur mother. nope can’t tlk me out of it…im doing it…look at me go *walks away from the computer and to ur house to tell ur mum*POST MORE SOOM…yea watch me go…i cant even spell. oh well.

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