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    Backwards! – (Chapter: Dreams)

    "Yes hunny…"

    Spencer couldn’t speak, she doubted if she could even open her mouth. She just stood there for God knows how long staring at her mother. She felt a familiar warmth from two hands one on each of her shoulders. She turned around and found Rowan on her left and her father on her right. This alone gave her enough courage to speak.

    "What…What are you doing?"

    "Didn’t your father tell you I was coming? That was kind of wrong of him to spring me on you like this…"

    "Yes, he did tell me so don’t make him seem like the bad guy here. He loves me! Always has… unlike you…"

    "Spencer!" Paula cried out in alarm.

    "I don’t want to hear it mom! You didn’t want to hear my screams when you beat me so I don’t want to fucking hear you now!"


    "Shut up Paula! I don’t need you! I don’t need…this! You…you need to leave NOW!"

    "Please Spencer don’t do this…"

    "It’s your fault we had to move here away from you! It’s your fault that Clay is dead! It’s your fault that Glenn can’t walk anymore! All of this, is fucking your FAULT!" Paula opened her mouth to speak but Rowan stepped in and cut her off."

    "Mrs…oh I’m sorry MISS Carlin," Rowan spat, "around this time I would suggest that you leave. It is going to take you awhile to find some place to stay seeing as you are NOT staying here."

    "Who the hell are you?!"

    "That is this family’s business and you Paula, are no longer apart of this family," this time it was not Rowan who spoke but Arthur.

    Paula looked stunned as though someone had slapped her in the face. Spencer on the other hand looked as though she was indeed about to slap her mother in the face. Rowan saw the look on Spencer’s face and quickly pulled her upstairs to her room. As soon as they entered Spencer broke down. Sobbing, she fell onto her bed clutching a pillow tight to her chest. Rowan laid down beside her putting his arm around her and holding her tight until she fell into sleep within his safe arms.

    Spencer looked around her. She was surronded by white walls. She could not see where one wall began and the other ended. Suddenly her mother was there yelling at her but she wasn’t listening. Her eyes were locked with a set of auburn eyes that looked vaguely familiar. Their lips met and they began making out passionately. The walls around them faded away along with Paula so that they were just floating there their arms around each other. The girls’ arms were running up and down each others bodies touching and rubbing in all the right places. Both girls moaned into the others mouth. Spencer finally broke off the kiss and spoke to the girl.

    "I love you."

    "I love you too…"

    Spencer awoke with a start sweating all over. She reached up to rub her eyes and it wasn’t till then that she felt the warmth and throbbing between her legs. She tried to ignore it and go back to sleep but soon she couldn’t stand it. She peeled herself away from Rowan and ran to the bathroom.

    Rowan awoke a little while after Spencer and heard the water running in the bathroom. Spencer must have just woke up… he rolled over to check the time. Damn it! It’s 8:15pm! My brother has been alone for almost twenty-four hours! He got out of the bed and yelled to Spencer, "Hey Spencer you wouldn’t happen to have any guy clothes in that house you call a closet would ya?"

    "Actually, I do all the way in the back!"

    "Wow! It has a back?" he yelled teasingly.

    "Shut up and go get your clothes before I change my mind. We are going out tonight, so pick something nice please!"

    "I can’t go out my brither…"

    "I’ll hire a baby-sitter. Please Rowan! I need this…"

    "Okay! Okay," he said smiling, "just for you…as long as you pay for everything!"

    Spencer laughed, "It’s a deal! Now go get your lazy ass ready!"

    A half-an-hour later both Rowan and Spencer stood looking at themselves in Spencer’s full wall mirror.

    "Wow, Rowan we are both going to pick up some hot chick tonight! Oh, remind me later to tell you about my dream. It explains why I was in the bathroom for so long," she winked, "you can use the guest room."

    Rowan chuckled, "you maybe…me not so much…"

    "Are you kidding!? If I wasn’t gay…"

    Rowan burst out laughing, "yeah like you would ever straighten out!"

    "Hey I resemble that remark!" Laughing the pair headed for the door.


    1. Pretty good stuff sugar cakes. Keep it up and PMS. Does Spencer and Ashely meet tonite at whereever they are going? That would be funny. Love. xoXOxo.

    2. Pretty good stuff sugar cakes. Keep it up and PMS. Does Spencer and Ashely meet tonite at whereever they are going? That would be funny. Love. xoXOxo.

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