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    Standing In A Crowd – (Chapter: 4)

    Ashley and Spencer left the classroom completely embarrassed, yet intrigued about how the intensity between them was able to drown out the crowd around them. Walking hand in hand again, the sexual energy resurfaced and was undeniable. Neither girl was interested in returning to class, free pass or not. Ashley stopped them in the middle of the hallway outside. Spencer stared into her eyes. Before Ashley could say anything, she saw the blonde’s lips mouth the words she adored, “I want you , right now.”  A heated wave pushed through Ashley landing directly at her center. She walked Spencer to a closed corridor of the school. She figured that, since everyone was in class, they could have a little privacy. She checked one of the doors to a room. Damn locked. She pulled out a credit card and to Spencer’s amazement was able to break in.

    It was mere seconds before Ashley had Spencer against the wall in a deep kiss grinding her body into her. “Oh Ashley…”, the blonde whispered. Spencer’s body was finally aligned with her mind. She was wet and wanted to be wet.

    Ashley broke the kiss to suck on her neck moaning at Spencer’s whimpers. Her soft voice was so sexy in the air. Ashley couldn’t take it anymore she wanted skin contact. As they both looked at each other with hunger and heat, Ashley ripped off Spencer’s shirt popping all the buttons off and yanked at it until it fell completely to the ground.

    Spencer didn’t care all she wanted was Ashley. Ashley lifted her bra to expose her breasts. Spencer’s nipples were standing firm and ready. Ashley cupped both of her breasts and began sucking both the nipples together eliciting the blonde’s moans from the strength of the sensations.

    Spencer lifted Ashley’s shirt and her bra up, not completing taking it off but exposing all to see. Ashley’s body was hot. The girls pressed their bodies together as they frantically kissed with their hands roaming all over each other. Ashley slid her hand under Spencer’s skirt. Spencer felt her body jerk with anticipation as she felt the brunette slide her fingers along the side of her underwear. For a moment, Ashley stopped. She realized that even though she wanted Spencer so badly that this was likely her first time. She wondered if she should be gentle with her.

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    1. Wow, this was really great. The sex was awesome and I usually don’t like stand up sex. But, that was really really good. I can see why Spencer came twice. Hot! Hot! Hot

    2. Argh, cliffies! Okay number one never read this amazing piece of fiction before going to work. Ugh I have a feeling its now going to be a long day. And number two I’m loving the way your bringing this story together! I’m sorry I would write more but I have to go…but this story is awesome and everything about it just keeps getting better ;)

    3. Wow, this was really great. The sex was awesome and I usually don’t like stand up sex. But, that was really really good. I can see why Spencer came twice. Hot! Hot! Hot

    4. Argh, cliffies! Okay number one never read this amazing piece of fiction before going to work. Ugh I have a feeling its now going to be a long day. And number two I’m loving the way your bringing this story together! I’m sorry I would write more but I have to go…but this story is awesome and everything about it just keeps getting better ;)

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