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    Relax and Enjoy

    “Spencer get up. Come on get up!”

    A familiar voice cut through the blonde’s dreams. Spencer rolled over and groaned something, somewhere close to babbling.

    “Damnit Spence…Get up.”

    A pillow was launched and hit the girl in the head. Spencer’s eyes opened and stared off into space, adjusting to her surroundings. “What time is it Ashley?”

    “Ten, now get up.” Ashley said pulling the covers off the blonde, revealing Ashley’s boxer shorts and wife beater that Spencer wore to bed the night before.

    “Why are you getting up at ten? We have all day to do whatever we want. And you’re getting me up at ten in the morning!?” Spencer sounded really tired and didn’t want to move. She felt the bed shift down by her feet. As the feeling of the bed shifting moved upwards, Spencer felt Ashley’s body rest on her hips.

    Straddling the blonde’s body, Ashley looked down at her girlfriend. “Because you said to get you up early so that you can shower and everything. Plus you wanted to spend some “quality” time with me.” She rocked her hips once causing Spencer’s body to react and rock back against her. “Besides I want a shower with you.” Ashley’s lips brushed against Spencer’s, running her tongue along the blonde’s bottom lip.

    Spencer wrapped her arms around the brunette’s body and rolled her over. “What you don’t like the scent of my body along yours?” Her fingers played with Ashley’s hair as her elbows rested on either side of the brunette’s head.

    “Your smell is in my mind all the time. And….” Ashley’s hand slid up Spencer’s taut stomach, under the shirt. She felt the blonde’s body responding and her breathing pick up, as her touch continued its way upwards. Ashley’s hands brushed Spencer’s breasts, covering them completely. “And I love the way you’re body reacts to me.”

    Spencer let out a hiss of air as her eyes fell to look at the smiling brunette. She noticed Ashley’s brown eyes went darker and she smirked, “I thought you wanted to take a shower.”  Spencer replied in barely a whisper.

    “Hmm, well I was thinking we could do that too.” Ashley took off the white shirt, Spencer was wearing and lightly scratched her fingers down the blonde’s toned abs.

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