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    Standing In A Crowd – (Chapter: 10)


    Ashley lightly kissed Spencer’s forehead as to not wake her. She softly whispered in her ear all the things that she had been wanting to say to her and still didn‘t have the nerve to say, “You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. You are so beautiful. I love you so much. Please don’t ever leave me.”

    Spence began to stir in her sleep, “Ashley, are you awake? “


    “Then kiss me again.”, Spencer said moving closer.

    Ashley kissed her once more wondering if she had heard what she said.

    “Mmm…this morning was incredible, Ashley.”

    “Yeah it really was,” snuggling with the blonde.

    “You know we are extremely late for school. It’s got to at least already be 3rd period.”

    “You say that like you still want go.” Ashley chuckled.

    “Well, I do have a test in 6th period that I can’t miss. But…I can be convinced,” Spencer said leaning over to kiss Ashley’s neck.

    Ashley took a deep breath as her body was awakening from Spencer’s kisses.

    “I see someone really enjoyed her 1st time in an actual bed”, the brunette joked.

    “And the 2nd time, 3rd time, and 4th time….and…" Spencer marveled.

    “a 5th time if you let me” Ashley pulled Spencer into a kiss. Her body ready for another round. Kissing Ashley was definitely one of Spencer’s favorite things.

    “Hey, Ashley…lock the door…just in case…someone comes home early,” Spencer said now a little more awake than when the brunette first arrived. Ashley leaped out of bed wanting to hurry to get back to Spencer. Spencer smiled hungrily at Ashley’s naked body.

    “Spencer, it’s locked already. Did you get up this morning and do it?”


    “No, did you lock it when you came in this morning?”


    “No, I had no idea that you would even talk to me when I got here.”, Ashley replied.


    “That’s really weird… Who could have locked it?”, the blonde thought. “Whatever, come back over here…”, Spencer said smiling at the naked brunette.


    Ashley ran to her bed and jumped on top of her. Spencer opened her legs wide and wrapped them around her waist. They fit so well. They were so compatible. “Mmm..Spencer do you always feel this good?”, Ashley moaned.

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