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    Break with Charity – (Chapter: Love and Lies)

    —————————–Outside a hospital rm——————————————— 

    "Get out" Kyla shouted 


    "Let me see her" he pleaded


    "You are not welcomed near any Davies sister" Kyla stated.


    "Ky, I need to see Ash" He said.


    ” No" She yelled " Get out Aiden"


    "Fine" he said. Kyla almost had a look of sympathy for her drunken ex-boyfriend.


     Kyla turned around and smiled at her sister’s almost lifeless body.

    _ _  _  _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ The Hospital Hallway _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _  _

    " what are you doing here?" she asked, as she passed Aiden in the hallway.


    " I came for Ash" he responded.


    "Bastard" Spencer shouted as she slapped Aiden.


    " You had your chance so let me have mine" she said as she stormed

    ——————————Ashley’s Hospital room——————————————-

    " I can’t lose you Ash, please don’t leave me" spencer began as tears streamed down her face "

    I wish so badly that it was my name you said instead of Aiden’s. Why does he have to go and

    do this to us?. I love you Ashley Davies, please don’t leave me, not now, not ever." She looked

    down at her girlfriends white bandage with blood stains all over it, and cried even more. " I will

    always Love you. For you are my Juliet as I am yours."

    ———————————–Two Hours later——————————————— 

    Beep, Beep.


    "Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!" spencer screamed "Ashley! Nooo!"


    "Get her out here" the doctor said pointing at spencer.


     " I’m not going any where" she said firmly.


    "Clear" the doctors said " one more time and clear"


     " Ashley" spencer said , looking at her own bullet wound "no"



    ————————–Spencer’s dream——————————————————


    "May i have this dance?" Ashley asked


    "yes you may" spencer said with a smile on her face.


    They danced for what seemed like hours, with confetti in thier hair, and the music so soothing.


    " I love you Spencer Carlin"


    "I love you too Miss. Davies"


    And they put their soft lips together and kissed while holding on to eachother.

             "SPENCER" the sound of clay’s voiced riuned thier perfect moment.


                 TO BE CONTINUED



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