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    Standing In A Crowd – (Chapter: 6)

    The transition to the next day had been long. Spencer spent most of the night crying at one of the biggest mistakes of her life. She had accused Ashley of something that would ruin them forever. Her father had convinced her mother that it was okay to return to school as long as she came straight home.

    Walking the hallways was an experience on its own, the stares, the jeers, the comments were crowding the free space she had left in her mind to think. She had not seen Ashley all day. It may have been best because Spencer had no idea as to how she was going to explain what she said. She was sure she will have lost her forever.

    Spencer jumped when she felt the vibration of her phone. It was a text message from Ashley.


    All of her nerves stood up. Although the text message was only a few words, the anger and pain was clear. If only I could turn back time and do this again, she thought.

    Spencer began walking towards the west building. Looking down at her feet, she started her mindless counting again as that she couldn’t form a coherent thought in her mind. She could not put the words together that would make things better for her or Ashley or them. She knew that no matter what was said that she walking towards the end.

    On a normal day, the door to the roof would be locked but today it was open. When she reached the top door, she peered through the window as if trying not to be seen and there she was. Spencer could see her drumsticks poking out the side of her pocket. She took those things everywhere. Ashley was sitting on the roof floor indian style with her legs crossed and her head down. Spencer opened the door and walked towards her.

    Ashley took a deep breath hearing Spencer’s steps crushing the gravel on the roof. Seeing her feet next to her, Ashley motioned Spencer to sit down next to her. Spencer was surprised that no shouting had started. Ashley could feel Spencer’s eyes on her but she kept her head down. She couldn’t look at her.

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    1. woah, that was…intense to say the least! I mean seriously when Ashley said: “Spencer, then fix it. Fix the fucking police that are probably at my house right now. Fix the fucking investigation the school has launched. Fix my fuckin’ broken heart then. Fix it!” and stormed off..I was totally speechless with my mind wide open flies could’ve flown in, but thank heavens they didn’t! ;) Please update soon, PLWEEESE! This story is so wonderful I cannot wait to read more.

    2. woah, that was…intense to say the least! I mean seriously when Ashley said: “Spencer, then fix it. Fix the fucking police that are probably at my house right now. Fix the fucking investigation the school has launched. Fix my fuckin’ broken heart then. Fix it!” and stormed off..I was totally speechless with my mind wide open flies could’ve flown in, but thank heavens they didn’t! ;) Please update soon, PLWEEESE! This story is so wonderful I cannot wait to read more.

    3. whoa! god i feel for spencer tho what she did was very wrong. she’s scared out of her mind. and somehow she has to get back her courage and face this. i love all the lines stated up there, but i also love the last line and hope spence can do it. without losing ash in the process of course. update ASAP!!

    4. whoa! god i feel for spencer tho what she did was very wrong. she’s scared out of her mind. and somehow she has to get back her courage and face this. i love all the lines stated up there, but i also love the last line and hope spence can do it. without losing ash in the process of course. update ASAP!!

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