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    Project New Girl – (Chapter: Sick to the stomach)

    I didn’t hear the rest of what he said, for at that moment my entire world went off kilter as a familiar blonde stepped the room.

    “Spencer,” I whispered, feeling the familiar taste of bile rising in my throat.

    I ran from the room, hand over my mouth and aiming for the bathroom, knowing that the cleaners wouldn’t have appreciated it if I’d have stayed around and been polite to the ‘newest member of our team’.  I needn’t have bothered running, though, as I still didn’t quite make it to the toilet in time.  Can open, sick everywhere.



    I stood, bending over the sink, supporting myself on my elbows as I gazed into the watery, red eyes that stared back at me in the mirror.  My face was pale and clammy, nowhere near resembling the rosy glow it’d harbored only minutes before.   Seeing Spencer again wasn’t something I’d ever thought would happen and so her sudden reappearance in my life had knocked me sideways.  I cursed myself for losing control like I did, unable to believe how I’d reacted to seeing her again after so many years.  I wished the fates had given me a sign that she would suddenly be cropping back up again – almost five years to the day since we’d last spoken – in the story of my life, which was beginning to show early signs of becoming a shit soap opera.

    I heard the bathroom door slowly open, pulling me from my thoughts, and my eyes darted to its reflection in the mirror.  There she stood, eyeing me nervously, her weight shifting from foot to foot as she obviously considered her next move.  Enter the bathroom and allow the door to close behind her, or leave before things have the potential to get ugly?  On my part, things were already ugly – not only had I thrown up the equivalent of a kettle’s worth of coffee, but also the one person I’d never banked on seeing ever again was suddenly in my presence staring at me like she were a rabbit in my headlights.  She brushed a strand of hair behind her ear, and I couldn’t help but notice how much her hand was shaking despite the simplicity of the action.  She was nervous as hell, and I knew it; she always played with her hair when faced with an awkward situation.  I was surprised by how well I was still able to read her.

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    1. Ok, the post was too damn short but I loved it nonetheless. Seriously, in love. Post more soon. I want to know what Spencer did to Ashley. I NEED to know. :]

    2. You’re quite a powerful writer. I could clearly picture every outward action and feel every painful emotion in your story. You write shock amazingly well. Bravo, Bannerman, bravo!

    3. bannerman, bannerman, what are they feeding you, bannerman, bannerman, it’s not your fault! Sorry… loved the update, couldn’t help the comment. Send me a PM you mongrel :)

    4. Ok, the post was too damn short but I loved it nonetheless. Seriously, in love. Post more soon. I want to know what Spencer did to Ashley. I NEED to know. :]

    5. You’re quite a powerful writer. I could clearly picture every outward action and feel every painful emotion in your story. You write shock amazingly well. Bravo, Bannerman, bravo!

    6. bannerman, bannerman, what are they feeding you, bannerman, bannerman, it’s not your fault! Sorry… loved the update, couldn’t help the comment. Send me a PM you mongrel :)

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