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    Best For Me – (Chapter: Do I really feel the way I feel?)

    “A… a date?” Spencer swallowed. Hard. No, no, no, this could not be happening. Ashley had a date? The nausea rose precipitously, and any second now Spencer was going to have to run for the sink. Except her muscles seemed to have frozen solid. The riot in her body was only adding to her mental panic.

    “Yeah. I mean, it’s just coffee but, you know, it’s a date.” Ashley looked down.

    What was this? Did she think that Spencer was going to be jumping for joy. Ashley knew that Spencer was in love with her. She’d told her! That whole conversation about how they loved each other and … and that it didn’t change anything. The echo of Ashley’s words was ringing in her ears…

    “If it happens… it happens. When it should. When it can. I won’t wait for it. I can’t wait for it, because if I do that, then all you are is my redemption. I can’t do that to you.”

    Did she expect her to wait? It wasn’t fair to Ashley, what Spencer wanted, and Spencer damn well knew it. So why did she expect Ashley to hang around until Spencer got her head into order.

    “That’s great!” she managed to push out, with very fake enthusiasm. Wow, she really was a decent actress, maybe there was career in that somewhere.

    Ashley’s head came up with a cautious and interested look. She’d been testing Spencer, that was now obvious. “Yeah” she echoed.. “Great.”

    “Who with?” Spencer asked. Not that she needed to ask. The honey haired woman’s picture shot through her brain. Spencer mentally added horns and a pointed tail. Maybe with a pitch fork.

    “Uh, her name is Cass, she works at the hospital.”

    “Uh huh” Spencer said, forcing herself to move. She began to make coffee, not sure what she could be doing otherwise. On robotic pilot she automatically reached for two cups. “Nurse?”

    “Physiotherapist actually.” Ashley watched Spencer’s movements carefully. The blonde put extra effort into seeming carefree and at ease. She practically deserved an Academy Award for this particular performance. The Spencer from the alternate dimension was currently throwing things in boiling anger, destroying her surroundings. Then there was the third Spencer in the next dimension over, the one who’d grown some guts and was currently straddling Ashley and sliding the brunette’s shirt up over her head.

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    1. ‘Don’t you love me anymore?’ Poor Spencer.I’m so torn because of these past two chapters. I’m also ready to say “let the games begin” and tell Spencer to use Gray to make Ashley jealous. But, I’m petty and immature so what do I know? When I read this chapter, I feel like Ashley is begging for some type of response from Spencer. She wants her to say “Don’t go”. I don’t want Spencer to be sneaky or conniving because she’s too good for that. She should get Elly to throw a tantrum. Ok, that’s wrong. Whatever! Sue me, I don’t have kid’s. I just know they come on handy sometimes. Please don’t push them too too far a part.

    2. Damn Clom. Awesome update. And to Spencer: What the HELL? Looks like you missed your chance….or did you? We’ll have to wait and see. Make it good clom!

    3. Oh my God!!!! I’m soooo slow. You’re going to end this after a few more posts? WHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What am I going to do?! What am I going to look for when I come here? This really is my favorite story. Oh shit, OH FUCK, you’re mean! You have to make this up to me by doing one shots for Best For Me every once in a while. Please! Please with cheese and sex on the side?! It’d be like catching up with them (Ash, Spencer, Elly and Alex) after some time. It doesn’t have to be JUST NC-17, stuff. Notice I said JUST because you can throw that in, too. You write the best Spashley stories. And Best For Me is still the best NC-17 chapters posted. Can you believe your NC stuff was original? Now, I see other’s post simular stuff. Like the crying after sex and the famous tug between the legs. Not saying you invented that but, you gave everyone who write fic’s here some idea’s. God, I wish I were as good as you because I you really do have the best sex…hehehe What am I gonna do now? If I were talented like you I could sex myself but, no one would care to view my work. Please keep posting stories here. Really though, why end it here? I guess it has to end sometime….but, not really because lesbian’s can keep going and going and going and going and going and going…..

    4. the honey haired hottie is not just going to vanish is she? for goi-ness sakes she works at the hospital. HA! just throw her in the mix. aint no fun if the honeys cant none! k my minds in the gutter. sry. i know every ones all rootin for spashley… i just want more clomle brilliance!

    5. I’m teletransporting Spencer of the third dimension so she can straddle and kiss Ashley.God Spencer, get your act together, lesbians move in on the second date! You must stop a second date.AHHHHHHHH

    6. ‘Don’t you love me anymore?’ Poor Spencer.I’m so torn because of these past two chapters. I’m also ready to say “let the games begin” and tell Spencer to use Gray to make Ashley jealous. But, I’m petty and immature so what do I know? When I read this chapter, I feel like Ashley is begging for some type of response from Spencer. She wants her to say “Don’t go”. I don’t want Spencer to be sneaky or conniving because she’s too good for that. She should get Elly to throw a tantrum. Ok, that’s wrong. Whatever! Sue me, I don’t have kid’s. I just know they come on handy sometimes. Please don’t push them too too far a part.

    7. Damn Clom. Awesome update. And to Spencer: What the HELL? Looks like you missed your chance….or did you? We’ll have to wait and see. Make it good clom!

    8. Oh my God!!!! I’m soooo slow. You’re going to end this after a few more posts? WHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What am I going to do?! What am I going to look for when I come here? This really is my favorite story. Oh shit, OH FUCK, you’re mean! You have to make this up to me by doing one shots for Best For Me every once in a while. Please! Please with cheese and sex on the side?! It’d be like catching up with them (Ash, Spencer, Elly and Alex) after some time. It doesn’t have to be JUST NC-17, stuff. Notice I said JUST because you can throw that in, too. You write the best Spashley stories. And Best For Me is still the best NC-17 chapters posted. Can you believe your NC stuff was original? Now, I see other’s post simular stuff. Like the crying after sex and the famous tug between the legs. Not saying you invented that but, you gave everyone who write fic’s here some idea’s. God, I wish I were as good as you because I you really do have the best sex…hehehe What am I gonna do now? If I were talented like you I could sex myself but, no one would care to view my work. Please keep posting stories here. Really though, why end it here? I guess it has to end sometime….but, not really because lesbian’s can keep going and going and going and going and going and going…..

    9. the honey haired hottie is not just going to vanish is she? for goi-ness sakes she works at the hospital. HA! just throw her in the mix. aint no fun if the honeys cant none! k my minds in the gutter. sry. i know every ones all rootin for spashley… i just want more clomle brilliance!

    10. I’m teletransporting Spencer of the third dimension so she can straddle and kiss Ashley.God Spencer, get your act together, lesbians move in on the second date! You must stop a second date.AHHHHHHHH

    11. OH please! someone for the love of god bitchslap Spencer and have someone re-attach her spine. I think she should get really possesive and run into the bedroom and maul Ashley..well in a good fun and wholesome sexual way. LOVEEEE THIS and you! =)!

    12. OH please! someone for the love of god bitchslap Spencer and have someone re-attach her spine. I think she should get really possesive and run into the bedroom and maul Ashley..well in a good fun and wholesome sexual way. LOVEEEE THIS and you! =)!

    13. My god she needs to get over herself already!! It’s not like being honest will make her lose Ashley – she’s already proven she’s not going anywhere! Jesus! Sort it out Clom, immediately! and why so few left? You can’t just have them be all “I love you” “I love you too” “so we’re together now?” “Yup… why didn’t we do this sooner?” then they walk off into the sunset with Elly cuddling Mr Ruffles and Alex being pushed along in a pram. NOT COOL! ;-) love you! Jx

    14. My god she needs to get over herself already!! It’s not like being honest will make her lose Ashley – she’s already proven she’s not going anywhere! Jesus! Sort it out Clom, immediately! and why so few left? You can’t just have them be all “I love you” “I love you too” “so we’re together now?” “Yup… why didn’t we do this sooner?” then they walk off into the sunset with Elly cuddling Mr Ruffles and Alex being pushed along in a pram. NOT COOL! ;-) love you! Jx

    15. Perfectly painful. Excuse me while I go and throw up for Spencer…ah, there. Much better. What is that girl going to do? And excuse me, but what is Ashley thinking? If she’s going to date, why doesn’t she move back to her own apartment and do it. What, is she going to bring her new girlfriend back to Spencer’s apartment? If she’s just messing with Spencer’s head, BAD ASH!! But, in her defense, she’s in a crappy circumstance. PMS so we know how our girls make out.

    16. Perfectly painful. Excuse me while I go and throw up for Spencer…ah, there. Much better. What is that girl going to do? And excuse me, but what is Ashley thinking? If she’s going to date, why doesn’t she move back to her own apartment and do it. What, is she going to bring her new girlfriend back to Spencer’s apartment? If she’s just messing with Spencer’s head, BAD ASH!! But, in her defense, she’s in a crappy circumstance. PMS so we know how our girls make out.

    17. Oh oh oh! Turn the honey haired blonde into a lemur! Or a zombie! Do it! Do it! Why not take the story out with a completely over the top bang?! (Looks like this season’s going to …grumble grumble… but that’s a different story.) Oh, and I hereby agree with peglegmeg’s assessment and I furthermore vote for the appearance of third dimension Spencer. You know, the one that straddles Ashley and takes her shirt off? Yeah, that one.

    18. Oh oh oh! Turn the honey haired blonde into a lemur! Or a zombie! Do it! Do it! Why not take the story out with a completely over the top bang?! (Looks like this season’s going to …grumble grumble… but that’s a different story.) Oh, and I hereby agree with peglegmeg’s assessment and I furthermore vote for the appearance of third dimension Spencer. You know, the one that straddles Ashley and takes her shirt off? Yeah, that one.

    19. They’re both making me mad. I wish Spencer would speck up before she loses Ashley. Or before Ashley loses Spencer and pushes her away. Please update soon. Pretty please

    20. They’re both making me mad. I wish Spencer would speck up before she loses Ashley. Or before Ashley loses Spencer and pushes her away. Please update soon. Pretty please

    21. Clome I love you for posting. You made this my Happy Monday…and usually, monday’s suck. I’m so glad I came to work today………ok, now I’m gonna go read;)

    22. Clome I love you for posting. You made this my Happy Monday…and usually, monday’s suck. I’m so glad I came to work today………ok, now I’m gonna go read;)

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