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    College Gals – (Chapter: 5)

    It’s been three months…the best three months of my life! Dylan, Aiden, Spencer, and me we just click… ecspecially me and Spencer. Spencer. God! her name makes me shiver. After me and Carrie broke it off she was such a good friend…she kicked Amanda, her roommate out of her dorm, and now we "live" together. It hasn’t escalated past a friendship though…I can tell she wants me it’s in her eyes…her beautiful eyes, but I’m afraid to act on it. What if I scare her away? No, I don’t want to risk it I might lose her…nut I don’t know if I can take the longing anymore…FUCK!

    Ashley pulled her headphones and looked around for the person who had disturbed her during her "Ashley" time. Spencer, was out working tonight so Ashley had the place to herself. The brunette had planed on listening to her father’s music and just hang out. Tonight was supposed to be her time alone. Who the hell had ruined it?

    "Ashley wassup?"

    "Aiden? What the fuck are you doing here? Don’t you have any other friends?" I asked adgitated to the tall raven haired boy.

    "yeah I do!" Aiden said defensively, "but I blew them off to spend time with your sorry ass. Spencer told me that she had to work tonight and that you’d be all by yourself. She seemed kinda worried…" Ashley smiled to herself, looking out for me even when she’s not around…

    "And you would do anything for her wouldn’t you," I teased Aiden who I knew still had a small crush on the blonde, but it had lifted slightly. "It’s just me tongiht…"

    "Well not that you deserve it… but me and Dylan are gonna hit up this club downtown do you wanna come with?"

    "That sounds…cool. i guess it’s a bit better than sitting here on my ass…" I wish Spencer was going though… Oh, well maybe tonight will help me get her off my mind…

    "Great," Aiden beamed, "Come on Dylan’s waiting outside…" Ashley grabbed her purse not bothering to change into anything nicer. It’s just Dylan and Aiden…

    "All right then let’s move it!" the pair left the building. When they stepped outside the brunette smiled to see the familiar face of Dylan sitting in an unfamiliar convertable. When he saw the pair he smiled and beeped.

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