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    It was now Monday. Spencer was in her office, sitting at her desk staring at a piece of paper on her desk. Her mind was littered with the thoughts of what had happened Saturday afternoon at the park. No matter how hard she had tried not to think about the encounter too much, it was there at the forefront of her thoughts, whether she was awake or sleeping. The images of Ashley, Aiden and their son Justin were haunting her, along with the words She still loves you. She shook her head slightly trying to dislodge the image of Ashley’s shocked face when she stepped out from behind Aiden. She couldn’t think about this anymore, she had been in constant thought about what happened at the park since she left it Saturday afternoon. She was at work now and had to concentrate on the files that were piling up in front of her. She took a blue folder down from the stack, opened it and began to read. It was no use, Spencer was rereading every second sentence, the words were just not sinking in. She steeled herself to try again, but her thoughts went to the park again. She had left in such a haste that she had not realised that she had left her book behind. It was her favourite book too, The Alchemist, by Paulo Coelho. Spencer had returned to the park on Sunday morning, with a little apprehension, she was afraid she might run into Ashley or Aiden again, too look for the book, but she couldn’t find it anywhere. Damn it!  Spencer closed the folder forcefully. It wasn’t even lunch yet and she wanted to be at home and for the day to be nearly over. She was starting to get a headache, she put her elbows on her desk and placed her head in her hands, massaging her temples with her fingers.

    “Miss Carlin” Spencer’s calm was interrupted by the office receptionist “There is someone here to see you”

    “Thankyou Emma, you can send them in” Spencer looked up “I’m okay Em, just a small headache” she replied to the concerned looking face that belonged to the receptionist. The girl nodded and left, Spencer sat up in her seat and composed herself , she was at work she had to look somewhat professional.

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    1. I like this story so far. Man, so Aiden and Ash have a kid, are married but not very happily…and now Spence has been put back in the picture. I don’t know who to feel for the most, spence or ash…they both are so hurt at the moment. Let see if Spence decides to meet up with Ash…pms!!

    2. I like this story so far. Man, so Aiden and Ash have a kid, are married but not very happily…and now Spence has been put back in the picture. I don’t know who to feel for the most, spence or ash…they both are so hurt at the moment. Let see if Spence decides to meet up with Ash…pms!!

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