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    Standing In A Crowd – (Chapter: 8)

    A few days had passed since the meeting. Spencer had been suspended from school for 2 days including the day of the meeting and was required to do some community service hours after school at the local help center for domestic and rape violence. Although grateful for the principal’s leniency, she truly felt she deserved worse for what she did.

    Spencer hadn’t seen Ashley since nor would Ashley return her phone calls. She missed her. She missed the way she made her feel. She missed her touch. The kids at school were still talking about the her recently discovered sexual adventures. But she thought the gossip was light considering the drudgery her mother was forcing her to put up with at home. She hadn’t taken her confession very well.

    “Spencer I can’t believe this. A girl! A girl! Damn it Spencer! What are you?”

    Her mother’s words always cut like knives and made her wince every time she played them back in her mind. She was so thankful that her father had been there to protect her and help her through things. But her main focus today was to find Ashley.

    On the day of her return to school, she searched everywhere. She realized that she didn’t even know where Ashley lived. Ashley had always been the one to drive her home. Suddenly, she remembered that Mrs. Dykes was one of her favorite teachers. Maybe she would know something.

    “Mrs. Dykes! Mrs. Dykes!”, the blonde yelled out of breath from running to the music room.

    “Yes…oh…yes… the young lady in love with kissing Miss Ashley…“

    In love? Why does she think that I was in love? Can it happen that quickly?

    “Mrs. Dykes, I haven’t seen Ashley for a few days and she won‘t return my calls. Have you seen her? Do you know where I can find her? I don’t know where she is or where she lives or anything but I know that I have to find her. I just have to.“ Spencer tears began to fall.


    “Calm down. Calm down. Now I understand why Ashley hasn’t been feeling well. Sweetie, I wish I knew where she lived because I would tell you but unfortunately I don’t.. I’m pretty sure she will be here on Monday. Why not check back then?”

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