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    For Now Anyway

    Paula:  “Ok is everyone ready?”


    Arthur:  “Roll call gang!”


    Everyone lined up in the living room. 


    Arthur:  “Ok.  Paula.”


    Paula:  “Check!”


    Arthur:  “Glen?”


    Glen:  “Check.”


    Arthur:  “Clay?”


    Clay:  “Check!”


    Arthur:  “Chelsea plus one?”


    Chelsea:  “Double check!”


    Arthur:  “Spencer?”


    Spencer:  “Check.”


    Arthur:  “Ashley?…Ashley?”


    Spencer:  “She’ll be here soon dad.”


    Paula:  “We have a schedule to keep.”


    Arthur:  “Calm down we can wait a few more minutes.”


    A few seconds later Ashley came running in bag in hand.


    Ashley:  “I am soooo sorry!  I didn’t know what to pack then my mom’s like 27th boy toy showed up and wanted to get chummy.  And let’s not even talk about the melodramatic goodbye I had to get from Kyla.  I told her it’s only one weekend but…”


    Pressed for time and truly disinterested Glen interrupted.


    Glen:  “As interesting as all this sounds.  We really should get going, seeing as we’re late and all.”




    Ashley:  “What’s his problem?  I said I was sorry.”


    Spencer:  “Don’t worry babe he’s just mad cuz he’s the only one not getting any this weekend.”


    Everyone began to laugh.  Except for Paula, of course.


    Paula:  “No one should be getting any around here!”


    In her motherly diatribe she succeeded  in making Chelsea and Clay feel like utter failures, the look on both their faces making that very much evident.


    Arthur cleared his throat.


    Arthur:  “Ok gang we better get going.”


    He walked past them to the very large van he rented.  He was pressing really hard for this family togetherness thing.  Everyone filed behind him to take their seats.  After everyone got in Ashley realized that she would be stuck in the seat right behind the drivers seat and Paula just happened to be the one driving.  Spencer sat next to her.  Luckily Glen opted to sit next to Chelsea and Clay.


    Ashley:  “Great.”


    Spencer nudged her in the ribs as they backed out the driveway and were on their way.  The trip trudged on for hours as the active teens talked and joked.  Songs were sung, unfortunately, ipods were passed back and forth, and warnings were barked from the two front seats.  Around the third hr, however the trip began to mellow out.  Most everyone in the car had fallen asleep.  Ashley was knocked out with Spencer’s head on her shoulder, asleep as well.  She woke to find Spencer’s hand resting towards the inside of her thigh.  Her heated palm had been there probably an hr or so but for some reason she was noticing it now more then ever.  Those palms of her seemed to be getting a lot of people in trouble lately.   She tried to control her thoughts and remain in family mode but that was easier said then done, especially when it came to Spencer.  A devious thought crossed her mind as she remembered the little display Spencer put on the previous afternoon.  Never one to pass up an opportunity Ashley set her plans into action.

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