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    Standing In A Crowd – (Chapter: 9)


    The next morning Paula rushed off to work at the emergency room for another long day. Spencer slept quietly in her bedroom while Arthur prepared breakfast downstairs. Today he had a big meeting to rush to and wanted to get off to a good start. Arthur heard a light knock at the door and wondered who could be stopping by at this hour.

    “Yes…oh…Ashley…how are you doing? Are you okay?” Arthur asked.

    “Yes, Mr. Carlin. I’m sorry to bother you, but I just have to talk to Spencer.”

    “Oh…is something wrong?”, Arthur looked at his watch noticing it was 5:30 am.

    “Yes, I think that I may have hurt her feelings pretty bad last night. And if I don‘t talk to her now, I may not have the nerve again.”

    “Oh..Oh…I’m sorry … look how rude I am… please come in Ashley. Did you want some breakfast?”

    “No thank you. May I just go to her room?”, the brunette asked.

    “Sure, it’s up the stairs and the last door on the left….I‘m going to be leaving in a few. So if you could let Spencer know that I left early today, I‘d appreciate it.”

    Ashley nodded at him and walked upstairs into Spencer’s room finding her sound asleep. She had taken a chance showing up at Spencer’s house but thankfully she had missed Paula. But, either way she didn’t care. She just had to see Spencer. The room was dark with just a little light coming in from the outside. Streams of light were casually bringing out Spencer’s face . Ashley paused for a moment taking in how beautiful she was while she slept. She sat next to her and watched her sleep for several minutes. Her breathing was delicate and her lips looked so kissable.

    Spencer stirred and opened her eyes. Surprisingly, she didn’t jump at the sight of Ashley.


    “Ashley, what are you doing here?”, Spencer said in a low voice turning onto her back.


    “You’re father let me in. He had to leave early and told me to let you know.” Ashley smiled at her pajamas that were pink with little hearts on them.

    Awakening a bit more, “You didn’t answer my question. Why are you here? Don’t you have a girl already?”, the blonde snapped.

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    1. I wish I were Spencer………..and Arthur were my dad. He’s just too fucking cool. If I caught my 16 year old my bed with a girl or a guy, I’d freak out.

    2. I wish I were Spencer………..and Arthur were my dad. He’s just too fucking cool. If I caught my 16 year old my bed with a girl or a guy, I’d freak out.

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