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    This wasn’t for you. This wasn’t FOR anyone. It’s simply a remake of a classic.

    We held hands. We shared laughs, we shared beds.

    She told her that we were lovers. Were we? But this wasn’t for you really, what’s the cat to do when the mouse is begging?

    "Are you in or are you out? You can’t win either way," She said.

    "But the fall will be fantastic and what’s left is nothing less than perfection."

    It’s freezing, but it’s the desert. What to do? Maybe we’ll see a body. Maybe we’ll see two.

    "I shook, did you?" breathed I.



    "Please, sit down. May I offer you something?" She welcomed me home, "Anything you wish."

    "No. Nothing. If you don’t mind, this will be recorded."

    We started off… But we resound, as sharp as they all sound. You can’t mistake the sound. First the click. Then the visible breath, both parting the biting cold of the night.

    We came, we come in time.

    "Is there something I should know?" I shake my head.

    "Or have I just seen too much."

    "No, Spencer." She breaks me. "We were once together. Now I’m simply surrounded."

    We were perfect. We were beautiful. We met in the middle of nowhere, in the middle of nothing, and kissed where everyone could see. No words. No before. No after. We kissed and it was perfect.

    It was beautiful and it was everything.

    "It was nothing." I’m numb.


    "Eventually it all comes back to this. Eventually you have nothing else. Shame really." She’s numb.

    "May I get YOU something?"

    "Give me anything." Still numb.


    "I saw you in the picture you took with them when you were with him, and I took you from it and kept you for myself." Regret sounds in her vocals.

    I interrupt.





    "Still rolling."


    1. hahahha… i love how everyone responds in three words or less. fabulous, right? well… i’m not sure i fully grasped it either, but it was oddly satisfying. quite well written, if i do say so myself. :]

    2. hahahha… i love how everyone responds in three words or less. fabulous, right? well… i’m not sure i fully grasped it either, but it was oddly satisfying. quite well written, if i do say so myself. :]

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