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    Spencer had thought about Ashley and the scribbled note on the back of the business card for the rest of the day. MEET AT 9PM. THE BEACH. OUR SPOT kept flashing through Spencer’s  thoughts. From the time the receptionist had given her the card and Spencer had read the note, she had debated on whether she would meet Ashley or not. Spencer was thankful when her boss had suggested a progress meeting to discuss her cases straight after lunch. The meeting was a welcome distraction as Spencer fully applied all of her attention and concentration on informing her boss on the progress of all her cases. Yes, it was a welcome distraction, but it was nearly not long enough thought Spencer. The meeting had only lasted for about 60 minutes and as soon as Spencer had re-entered her office, that nagging little voice popped back into her head, whispering What are you going to do Spencer?


    By the time she had left the office at 6pm, Spencer still was still no closer in deciding whether she would go to meet Ashley at the beach or not. Another twenty minutes later Spencer arrived home, she headed straight for a hot shower. Hoping that maybe the hot water would wash away her confusion and by the time she had got out, maybe she would have made up her mind.

    Although refreshing, the shower had no impact on her decision making abilities, big surprise!  Spencer thought to herself sarcastically. All she knew for sure was that she was starving, despite her nervous thoughts bantering about in her head. Spencer went to her bedroom and changed into a pair of jeans and a black hoodie. She decided to call the Chinese take out that was on the corner and order her dinner and have it delivered. It would arrive in half an hour, the person on the other end of the phone informed her. Spencer’s eyes shifted to the clock on her microwave, that meant the food would arrive at 7:30. Spencer sighed heavily as she hung up the phone. What was she going to do? Spencer went to the fridge and pulled out a beer, she ripped of the lid and swallowed half the liquid occupying the bottle in one gulp. She threw the lid across the kitchen and smiled to herself as it landed in the sink with a faint tink. Spencer then went to her sofa and collapsed into it, sipping her beer more slowly now and staring at the blank screen of the TV in front of her. Her thoughts begun to wander and she was watching a replay of the events at the park in her head.

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    1. Oh my God I’m so glad the next chapter is already posted because I can’t wait to hear what happened to Spencer in the last 4 years and what Ashley has to say to her.

    2. Oh my God I’m so glad the next chapter is already posted because I can’t wait to hear what happened to Spencer in the last 4 years and what Ashley has to say to her.

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