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    College Gals – (Chapter: 10)

    The brunette groaned in pain as the light, which was way to bright in her opinion, spilled in from the hotel window. Ashley didn’t have to think very long to realize what the cause of this pain in her head was. Alcohol… she groaned again and rolled over to wrap her arm around her blonde girlfriend. She let out another groan but this one was in frustration and dissapointment when her arms wrap around pure air. There was a note resting on the bedside table. Ashley reached over and grabbed the note straining to read it through her headache.

    Went to lunch with Dylan.

    I’ll see you for dinner babe!


    Spence xoxox

    Ashley crawled out of bed slowly. Why the fuck would she be going to lunch in the morning. The brunette rubbed her head absentmindidly and the blicking numbers on the digital clock found the corner of her eye. 12:50! Oh, Ashley laughed at herself, that would explain it! She continued her trip to the bathroom rubbing her head as she went. Reaching the bathroom she turned on the shower but found no water. She saw yet another note on the bathroom wall. This note was also in her girlfriend’s beautifully curved cursive handwriting.

    Oh yeah and uh… the shower is out of order!

    "FUCK!" Ashley screamed not caring who heard her, "what the hell am I going to do know? I look and probably smell like shit…" she mumbled to herself as she walked back into the main room.

    An unfamilair voice came in through the door, "Now, you’re are going to come to my room and use my shower with me in it of course…" the brunette jumped ten feet in the air and grabbed the lamp on the bedside table spinning around, waving the lamp above her head like a sword.

    "Whoa! Whoa tiger calm down it’s just me! Now put down the lamp… I don’t need anything to increase my headache," a laughing Aiden stood there in the doorway sheilding his head to any oncoming blows from the angry brunette with the lamp.

    "AIDEN! My Lord!" Ashley said putting down the lamp her hand on her chest, "you scared the shit out of me… I thought you were some weird stalker dude!" The black haired boy only laughed harder, "it’s not funny!"

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    1. ok…im the person that leaves cliff hangers, thats just plain mean. but my christmas is still merry cuz you updated, and you can make it more merry if you get those creative juices flowing and produce me another update :]

    2. ok…im the person that leaves cliff hangers, thats just plain mean. but my christmas is still merry cuz you updated, and you can make it more merry if you get those creative juices flowing and produce me another update :]

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