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    College Gals – (Chapter: 11)

    Ashley watched as Spencer struggled to answer the question she had just uttered. The air was so tense that you could cut a knife through it. The brunette stared as the blonde’s mouth opened and closed several times. Finally, sound came out through those luscious lips that she loved so much. She couldn’t even imagine what she would do without the blonde in front of her.

    "I…I… I don’t know Ash…"

    Hope filled Ashley as she listened to that beautiful voice. She didn’t say yes… Ashley grabbed Spencer’s hand and this time the blonde didn’t pull away but continued to stare at the yellow sand. Ashley reached out and lifted Spencer’s face so that their eyes met.

    "Spencer I love you above all things… above Aiden, above my music, but most of all above alcohol…I would give everything up to be with you…you gotta know that I love you…" the blonde’s eyes continued to tear and Spencer lifted a hand to wipe them from her eyes. She opened her mouth to speak but Ashley pressed her fingers against her lips. She wasn’t done yet, "and I would change anything to be with you…I want you to know that I would choose you over alcohol any day, and if it bothers you that much I would quit in a heartbeat…"

    "Quit what?"

    "Drinking…because you’re right it makes me a different person…you have changed me for the better Spencer and if you think that this will help us than I will quit drinking…" Spencer just stood there dumb-founded and panic began to rise in Ashley’s chest. She knew that this was the time if she was going to be with Spencer it had to be now. Fuck the candles, fuck the flowers, fuck the perfect moment I need to do this now! The brunette searched franticly through her pockets, when she found what she was looking for she pulled it out and slowly slid down so that she was resting on only one knee. She looked up at Spencer and opened the box holding it in front of her with one hand the other remained tightly clasped on Spencer’s.

    "Spencer Carlin…I love you so much…more than anyone or, anything…" they both knew she was talking about alcohol, "will you marry me?" Ashley couldn’t believe it. She had seen it in movies of course but to witness it was amazing. The feeling that she was doing the right thing warmed the pit of her stomach as she searched the blonde for an answer.

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    1. i’m so freakin happy she said yes. i love this story so much. but i’m still kind of worried about that girl that dylan is with. why were people freakin at the party when he wanted to go talk to her. even she freaked a little. lol. pms

    2. i’m so freakin happy she said yes. i love this story so much. but i’m still kind of worried about that girl that dylan is with. why were people freakin at the party when he wanted to go talk to her. even she freaked a little. lol. pms

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