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    Preciosa – (Chapter: Faculty Meeting)

    Chapter Twenty


    Spencer and Ashley pulled into the faculty parking lot at SCU and found a space near the music building. Ashley turned off the engine and grabbed Spencer’s hand.


    “So…I guess we should get to our respective buildings huh?” She said tracing small circles around the blonde’s wrist.


    “Ash, I can’t help but wonder if you are nervous about your first day. Are you?”


    “No…of course I’m not nervous…” Ashley said continuing the small circles.


    “Ash…Look at me.”


    Ashley took a deep breath and looked into Spencer’s blue eyes. She could get lost in those eyes and never want to find her way back. She watched as Spencer drew her lower lip into her mouth a sign that indicated she was concerned about something. “Ok…I admit it…I’m a little nervous.”


    “They will love you…believe me it’s very easy…” Spencer leaned over giving Ashley a soft kiss on her lips. “Come on my little rock star. If you don’t have a little bit of fun today then…I will let you do whatever you want tonight…how does that sound?”


    Ashley smiled and kissed Spencer. “Sounds like a plan…but…what if I do have fun today…then what?”


    “Then…I…get to…do…whatever I want…” Spencer kissed Ashley’s neck and felt the brunette’s breathing start to speed up. “So…its pretty much win-win I would say…but you need to go to class before we even get to tonight’s activities…because if you don’t…I may need to stay at my place tonight…you don’t want that do you?”


    Ashley shook her head fiercely. “Ok…ok…you win…now give me a good-luck kiss and then we can be on our way.”


    Spencer got a devilish look and lifted herself over the gear shift and straddled Ashley in the driver’s seat. She lowered her head and captured Ashley’s lips sucking the brunette’s lower lip into her mouth. Ashley’s hands grabbed Spencer’s behind and pulled her tighter into her body.


    The girls broke apart at the sound of a loud cough and saw Marco standing beside Ashley’s car with a big smile on his face. “Ladies…you do realize this is a parking lot…and that you are in a convertible so pretty much the whole world can see what goes on in there. You should really try to keep your hormones in check before someone gets in trouble.”

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    1. I really just love this story, and I loved this update. I liked the Spashley straddling hahah, and I like how Ashley basically told that proffessor to shut the fuck up. Update, QUICK

    2. I really just love this story, and I loved this update. I liked the Spashley straddling hahah, and I like how Ashley basically told that proffessor to shut the fuck up. Update, QUICK

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