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    College Gals – (Chapter: 12)

    "So I said," Dylan adopted a low voice completely different from his actual voice, "leave me alone or you’ll never see the day again!" Dylan broke out into laughter. he however was the only one laughing. Ashley and Spencer glanced at each other before cracking up, not at the joke, but at Dylan’s current state. The blonde was very drunk. Lily was sitting there looking at him as though he was the most beautiful thing in the world and Spencer couldn’t help but think how good she was going to be for him. The groups merriment was interrupted soon by a man tapping Lily’s shoulder.

    "Hey…" the man was tall and he had sleek brown hair that fell down his face. He looked a little more than tipsy. He handed out a wad of cash, "sorry I couldn’t get it to you after ourbuisness but I was a little short on cash…"

    "Whatever…just go away, "Lily said snatching the money from his hand. Dylan however wanted to know what was going on.

    "Why areyou giving her money?" he slurred.

    "Because," he said with an impatient air, "she cost money…"

    "What the hell are you talking about?" the blonde asked now rising from the chair. Lily tried to calm him down.

    "It’s okay Dyl…just let him leave…"

    "No Lily…this man is dis-respecting you and I wanna know why!"

    "Because you’re supposed to pay the whore after you fuck her!" Dylan’s face became expressionless as he looked from Lily back to the brown-haired guy. He balled up his fist and swung hard hitting the Hawaiian man in the face. Lily, Spencer, and Ashley all screamed. Aiden jumped up and tried to restrain Dylan but found that the boy was much stronger than he looked as he tore himself out of Aiden’s grasp and punched the man again and again. Aiden finally was able to restrain Dylan and pull him back away from the man. Lily was crying and Spencer and Ashley were immediately at her side comforting her.

    "Shh, hey Lil it’ll be okay…Aiden will calm down Dylan..we’ll get that guy some help it’s gonna be okay…"Spencer said brushing a strand of hair out of Lily’s face. Ashley stood there jealously rising slowly in her throat but she quickly knocked it back down, reassuring herself that Spencer was just trying to make Lily feel better.

    "yeah it’s gonna be okay Lily…"

    "No…n-o it’s not…" Lily said between sobs, "i hate what I do!"

    "What do you do Lil?" Spencer said in her most comforting voice.

    "I sleep..with-with men for money because it’s the only way I can survive…I have no where to go Spencer…I have no home and-and sleeping with men gave me some extra bucks…I just-I- I hate myself for it…" Spencer pulled Lily into a hug cradiing the hawaiian in her arms making soft comforting noises in her ear.  Ashley joined the embrace and the two girls wrapped themselves around the Hawaiian forming a protective sheild.

    "You’re gonna come back to the states with us okay…you can stay in apartment…" Ashley said trying to calm her down.

    "But how will I pay for…" Ashley cut her off.

    "I’ll take care of it…" she stated just as a very flustered Aiden came running up to them. Ashley asked him several questions using her eyes. The two had knew each other for so long that Aiden knew the answers.

    "Dylan is fine, he is in the bathroom probably throwing up his dinner…now we know why he dosen’t usually drink…is Lily okay?"

    "She’s going to be…" Ashley and Spencer exchanged glances before Ashley pulled out her cell phone and made an important phone call.

    "Jeremy? Hey It’s Ashley…no of course not…but hey I need you to do me a huge favor, "Ashley laughed, ‘yes I know you work for me…okay but anyway I need you to reserve five plane tickets back to Arizona…yes five…we’re bringing someone with us…all right then thank you…" Ashley hung up the phone and looked at Spencer.

    "We leave tomorrow the plane takes off at ten a.m…hey I wanted to get married in the states anyway…" she winked at Spencer.

    "Thank you…" they looked down at Lily who had whispered her thanks.

    "Don’t worry about it Lil…your life is going to get better…" Spencer said reassuringly.

    "Thank you," Lily said once again leaning back into Spencer tears flowing from her eyes once again. Ashley felt the jealously rise in her throat once again though this time she found that she oculd not swallow it……..


    1. oooooooooo. i see now. thats what was wrong with her. i hope dylan doesn’t leave her because of her past. she doesn’t need that. she’s a nice girl and them breaking up would defeat the purpose of her coming to the us not to mention make there friendship really awkward. lovin this story. pms

    2. oooooooooo. i see now. thats what was wrong with her. i hope dylan doesn’t leave her because of her past. she doesn’t need that. she’s a nice girl and them breaking up would defeat the purpose of her coming to the us not to mention make there friendship really awkward. lovin this story. pms

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