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    Roommateness? – (Chapter: chapter 18)

    Spencer and Ashley arrived at the party around 9 o’clock, hand in hand. They headed straight for the bar to order drinks.


    “This is so exciting!” Spencer said, cranberry vodka in hand.


    “Yeah it’s ok” The brunette replied, her eyes searching the room.


    Spencer noticed her girlfriend was nervous and she had an idea why.


    “Do you think Lynn is here yet?”


    “O um I don’t know she should be.”


    “Let’s go look” Spencer pulled Ashley along.




    The girls didn’t have to search for long. They saw Lynn and Jessica across the room and neither of them looked happy. In fact it looked like they were arguing.


    “Lynn looks really upset” Spencer whispered to Ashley not taking her eyes off the scene that was about to elevate.


    Ashley stayed quiet. Without warning Lynn threw her clear drink in Jessica’s face, and ran out the side door.


    “Oh, no” Spencer said her voice dripping with concern “We should go see if she’s okay”


    “You go; I might not be the best person”


    Spencer considered it and agreed. “I’ll be back” she said and ran after her cousin.


    Ashley stood there for a moment watching the now wet Jessica rub her forehead in distress. Deciding that she wanted no part in the situation, Ashley headed back towards the bar.


    She was mere feet away when she felt a hand grasp her arm, turning her around.


    “Unless you want two drinks thrown on you tonight, I suggest you let go of my arm” she said flatly.


    Jessica released her arm. “Can we talk?”



    “I just…I just want some closure. I can’t move on until we clear the air”


    Ashley knew she was right. The dream she had, saying Jessica’s name in bed the night before. It had to stop. She needed closure too.


    “Ok, fine.” She conceded.


    “Not here”


    “I’m not leaving”


    “Do you really want to do this here, in a crowded party?”


    “What do you suggest?”


    “I have a hotel room upstairs…”


    “Get real Jessica” Ashley quickly cut her off in disgust.


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    1. UGH! that jessica gives all jessicas a bad name. two timing slut. gosh. i really wish i could change my name now. guhhh. great update!! cant wait for more

    2. Damn EVIL bitch jessica. Ashely should have know she was up to something. Great update. Poor spencer. I love your story. Cant wait to see what happens next. PMS

    3. UGH! that jessica gives all jessicas a bad name. two timing slut. gosh. i really wish i could change my name now. guhhh. great update!! cant wait for more

    4. Damn EVIL bitch jessica. Ashely should have know she was up to something. Great update. Poor spencer. I love your story. Cant wait to see what happens next. PMS

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