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    You’re Just Jealous Cause We’re Young and In Love – (Chapter: Suspended Like Spirits Over Speeding Cars)

    Ashley’s heart pounded as she made her way through one of the hallways in the hospital she was currently staying in. She had a bandage across her forehead and a few bruises and scratches, but nothing too serious. She passed by multiple rooms and stopped when she found room 312 in the ICU. She looked through the window and tears formed in her eyes as she saw a young woman’s body hooked up to monitors. She looked so tiny in the hospital bed, so defenseless hooked up to all those machines. Machines that were the only things keeping her alive.


                There had been a terrible car accident only a few hours before, an accident which both women were involved in. Ashley had been on Cloud 9 one minute, and blacked out the next. The sounds of screeching tires, metal clashing against metal, and breaking glass ran through her mind. A night of fun and recklessness turned into one of complete terror and an innocent life had almost been lost…could still be lost if the doctors couldn’t save her. Despite the fact that her girlfriend had been the one driving, guilt washed throughout the brunette as she stood in the hallway looking in on the woman fighting tooth and nail just to survive. She allowed her mind to wander to the events leading up to the accident, the accident which would surly change her life.



                Ashley Davies, 23, daughter of rock star legend Raife Davies didn’t have a care in the world. Anything and everything she wanted (and then some) was handed to her on a platinum platter. She was gorgeous and what was worse, she knew it. Her features were flawless and her ego was huge. She had inherited her father’s musical talent, had cranked out two cds by the time she was 20 and was done with singing. She was now into producing music and hitting up the latest clubs with all of her friends. She loved to indulge herself in the finer things and the party life was perfect for her. Yes, Ashley Davies had the finest in everything, including girlfriends.


     Her latest girlfriend loved having a good time just as much as the young rock star, and partied just as hard. She had blonde hair with red and pink highlights and a killer body. She had grown up in a close-knit, conservative home, where being a lesbian was considered the work of the devil himself. At the age of 18 she immediately packed her bags and headed to Hollywood to find glamour, glory, and hot celebrities. Hot celebrities like her current girlfriend.

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