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    Back Home – (Chapter: A different person)

    Spencer finally beckoned the others over. Aiden, Kyla, Glen, Clay and Chelsey all made their way over to the couple to welcome Ashley home. They each hugged each other with such enthusiasium that Ashley nearly lost the oxygen in her lungs.

    Aiden picked up Ashley’s duffle bag and they began to make their way out to the packing lot. Ashley and Spencer followed everyone else arm in arm. As they were walking along someone barged into Ashley’s shoulder, she winced, trying to hide the pain in her eyes. Spencer immediately put her arm around Ashley and tried to soothe her. Ashley smiled weakly at Spencer and said, "I’m fine, it’s ok." Spencer just nodded and they continued to walk towards the car. Deep down Spencer knew that Ashley was not fine.

    They both clambered into Aiden’s SUV and the journey home got underway. After five minutes Ashley was already asleep and had snuggled into the crook of Spencer’s neck. Spencer gently wrapped her arms around Ashley and listened to the radio. Half an hour later Aiden pulled up outside Spencer’s apartment. Ashley was still asleep, so Clay carefully picked her up and followed Spencer up to the apartment. Everyone else waited in the car.

    Clay gently placed Ashley on Spencer’s bed. She slowly curled up into a ball. He turned to Spencer and whispered, "Call me later, I’ll be at home. I’m glad she’s home Spence, for sakes anyway." Spencer smiled at him, gave him a hug and replied, "Thanks Clay, I’ve missed her so much. I’ll call you later. Tell everyone I said bye." Clay slowly creeped out of the door and back down to the car.

    Spencer slowly pulled the bed cover over Ashley and kissed her cheek. "Goodnight Ashley Davies, I Love you." Spencer slowly left the room and went to make a drink. It was only five o’clock so she decided to watch a bit of telly and order pizza. She picked up the phone and began to order her pizza while flicking through the channels on the tv.

    Meanwhile Ashley was tossing and turning in her sleep. She was having a nightmare.

    Ashley saw sand explode before her eyes, they were right in the middle of a mine field. There were gun shots going off, bullets flying past her face. She looked down to see a pool of blood forming at her feet, Ashley turned to see were the blood was coming from and saw her sergeant on the floor in a heap, ith three bullet holes in his chest. Just then she felt a piercing pain in her shoulder, and began to see green gas form in front of her eyes. She heard someone shout, "GAS, GAS, GAS." Ashley went to pull her mask out of her pocket when she saw black figures being formed within the gas and running towards her.

    "SPENCER, SPENCER, help me please!!" Ashley shot up out of bed just as Spencer came bolting into the room. She pulled Ashley into a hug. She felt Ashley’s whole body trembling and could feel the cold sweat that was on her forehead. "sssshhhh, Ash, its ok, I’m here."

    "Spencer they were coming after me, I saw them."

    "Its ok now, there not coming no more. I promise." Spencer looked down into Ashley’s eyes. The eyes that were once full of fire and fight, were no more. That fire and fight had somehow disappeared.

    "Just hold me Spence, don’t let me go ok."

    At that moment Spencer knew something had happened to Ashley out there and she wasn’t the same person she used to be, and it scared Spencer.


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