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    Once in a lifetime – (Chapter: Don’t fear it now)

    "Here, take these. Please, God, take these," Glen said, shoving a pack of Listerine strips at me.  I put two on my tongue, shivering from the shock and inhaling deeply to calm my stomach.  I was still leaning over the sink, Mom rubbing my back with one hand, holding my hair with the other.  Dad had ushered everyone back into the living room after I started reliving Clay’s gumbo; he came back into the kitchen and I could hear Ashley’s muffled voice from the other room.

    "She’s starting the tour.  I told Kyla abou–."

    "Jesus Christ, Spencer!" Kyla yelled, rushing to my side.  "You cannot lose it now.  Oh, God, someone get her some mouthwash!"  Glen handed over his strips again; Kyla tried to take out the whole pack, but I took her hand and pushed it down.

    "I’m OK.  Gum might be nice, though."  

    "I have some in my purse.  I’ll be right back," Mom said, patting my back gently.  As she walked away, I could hear the party progressing up the stairs.  I started shaking again, this time from nerves.  Kyla filled a glass with water and put it in my hands.  I sipped it, swished it around my mouth, spit it into the sink. Mom returned with the gum, and I popped two pieces, chewing rapidly.

    "Hey, hey, hey," Kyla said, turning me by my shoulders.  "It’s all gonna be fine.  Everything is set upstairs.  You remember your plan?"

    I just nodded, afraid that if I opened my mouth, I’d somehow manage to throw up breakfast from yesterday.  I just kept chewing. 

    "Hey, we’re ready," Aiden announced, coming into the kitchen.  I stopped chewing and immediately felt a wave of calm come over me.  My stomach didn’t jump, my heart wasn’t racing, and I’d stopped shaking. I locked eyes with Aiden, the corner of his mouth slowly turned up.  "C’mon, lovergirl.  Let’s do this."  I couldn’t help but smile.

    We could hear Ashley talking about her latest prodigy as we walked into the attic.  She turned and smiled when I came in.  People were milling around, checking out the framed albums, the equipment.  Kyla grabbed my elbow.  "Shall we?"  I nodded and spit my gum into the wastebasket.

    "Hey Ash?" Kyla said, walking towards her sister, Aiden walking up next to me as my mom, dad, and brothers started to join the others.  "Why don’t we try shooting the scene Aiden couldn’t get through earlier today?"

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    1. awwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!! omg! that was TOOO cute!!!! omg! i’m like..on the verge of tears right now!! haha omg awwwww!! AMAZING! a-freaking-mazing!

    2. Loved the ending! So cute! Made me all teary and embarassing and stuff. ::sniffle:: Sorry, I’m so late responding. It’s not lack of love, just lack of time.

    3. awwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!! omg! that was TOOO cute!!!! omg! i’m like..on the verge of tears right now!! haha omg awwwww!! AMAZING! a-freaking-mazing!

    4. Loved the ending! So cute! Made me all teary and embarassing and stuff. ::sniffle:: Sorry, I’m so late responding. It’s not lack of love, just lack of time.

    5. So fluffy, so happy, and so good!!! Shouldn’t they always be like that? Sure, drama makes things exciting, but you live for sweet moments like those!! Awesome job!

    6. So fluffy, so happy, and so good!!! Shouldn’t they always be like that? Sure, drama makes things exciting, but you live for sweet moments like those!! Awesome job!

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