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    3 Months – (Chapter: I hate You!)

    3 months




    “you do know it’s Saturday night?” Aiden said coming into his office where I was working and had been working for the past few hours

    “I know, and every Saturday night is when Spencer and I have the house to ourselves, but I’m not at home with her so…why not get ahead on some work…” I told him “…plus things may get crazy if Spencer wants a divorce so I just don’t want to get behind on the label…”

    “ash…come on, you made a mistake and I am disappointed, but I don’t think Spencer will file for a divorce…” he told me

    “you haven’t seen how she is around me Aiden…I mean I tried to talk to her last night, but she just wanted me to leave…” I told him

    “the only thing I respect out of your situation Ashley is that you never lied and said you were out of town and you were with Jessica…” he told me “…you had sex with her what? twice within like a week then it was nothing after that except kissing?”

    “yeah…but still that doesn’t…” I started then he cut me off

    “…make it right, I know…” he told me “…look do you want me to talk to Spencer? I need to go by the house anyways later and pick up some stuff…”

    “you really don’t have to…this is between Spencer and me and I don’t want to drag you into it Aiden…” I told him

    “…but you’re my family…” he told me then he walked out of the office and I sat there for a minute looking at all the papers I went through today and maybe Spencer was right, I mean maybe all I ever did was work…I worked as my first priority when that should be my family




    It’s been about two weeks since mom’s been home…and it’s just uncomfortable, and it’s clear that something’s missing…I still remember when I told Keira what happened and her biggest fear is divorce and so is mine.

    Sure you always see in the movies how parents divorce and end up getting back together, but that happens years later and I don’t want to go years without having mom around. Part of me feels guilty for what happened because it was me who brought up everything, and it was the fight that I started and it was me who said something…if I didn’t say anything then mom would still be around

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    1. man sisters shouldn’t fight and it’s not fair for keira to blame erin for ash and spencers’s ashleys fault if nothing else.i love updates whether short or long hey as long as it’s new it’s all good.great update.pms!!!!!

    2. Any update that we get from you is a total plus. If I was in Erin’s shoes I probably would of done the same thing in confronting Ash. Seeing your mom cheat on your other mom would probably get me alittle pissed off too. Hopefully things will get alittle better for there family. Keep up the good work on this awesome story PMASAP!!!

    3. What’s next…how about individual and family counseling? Ashley needs it, Spencer needs it and the girls. It’s amazing how quickly couples jump at divorce without considering other options first.

    4. Hello, you’re not familiar with my username, for the simple fact that I am a lurker! But I felt the need to BEG for you to update I’m Calming Down. I’ve been coming to the site everyday hoping to see an update to my favorite story, and I haven’t gotten it, in days maybe weeks! please please please please update, uhm…..I promise to get out of lurkdom whenever you update one of these stories!!! Not much to offer but, it’s all I got! You’re a great writer and you have me hooked!!! please please please!!!

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