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    Standing In A Crowd – (Chapter: 14)

    Spencer’s mind was free from her normal mindless thoughts. No counting except for the number of days left in this no sex thing. 12 days left. No deep thoughts. Her mind was free from worry. She was actually happy. Ashley was hers. Although the majority of their time together had been filled with intense moments of sheer gratification, there was no question that a mountain had moved for their love to blossom. Her heart was truly beaming day in and day out. Which made it surprising when suddenly the questions began to flow into her thoughts. As she sat in her bedroom, she realized that she barely knew anything about Ashley. Ashley was not exactly forthcoming about her life. Where was she from? Where was her mom? How did she feel about her dad’s death? When did she start drumming? When did she know she was gay? When did she come out? Had she been in love before? Why was she sleeping with so many groupies in the first place? How did she get to be so good in bed? Am I gay? Would I like girls if there were no Ashley? Will Ashley say ‘no’ to those groupies now? What made her so special this time? Answers were truly missing. All this time they had been flying on pure chemistry. Even with the questions, she hoped that what they had would never end. This was her first experience with a girl and Ashley had freed her in some respects. She knew so much more about what she wanted and what her body wanted. She was pleased about it. She felt as though she was growing up finally. It was surprising what silence brings out she thought.

    “Spencer! Spencer! Come down stairs!” Arthur shouted while whipping up his latest dish extraordinaire. He had become somewhat of an aficionado in the cooking arena lately.

    Spencer let her thoughts diminish and ran downstairs.

    “Spencer, have you invited Ashley yet?” he continued.

    “No dad. Not yet.”

    “Come on, it will be good wholesome fun,” he pleaded.

    Spencer shrugged, “I don’t know dad…it’s just that it’s going to be kind of weird.”

    “No…no…it won’t be weird. I’m going to show you that you two can have wholesome fun without being all over each other.”

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    1. I really loved this chapter. I miss the skating rank, too even though it’s filled with sweaty kid’s. I would’ve been disappointed in the girl if they did it in a dirty bathroom. They need to act like good girls for themselves and Spencer’s parents. Ashley really cares about Spencer because if she didn’t she would’ve jumped her in the bathroom. I’m glad they are showing self control.

    2. I really loved this chapter. I miss the skating rank, too even though it’s filled with sweaty kid’s. I would’ve been disappointed in the girl if they did it in a dirty bathroom. They need to act like good girls for themselves and Spencer’s parents. Ashley really cares about Spencer because if she didn’t she would’ve jumped her in the bathroom. I’m glad they are showing self control.

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