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    Give Up – (Chapter: Glen?)

    She turns to me flashing me an apologetic smile and shouting over her shoulder. "I owe you a drink."



    I pull open the glass door and step inside seeing two familiar faces. I leisurely walk towards the older woman behind the desk. She looks up and I can tell she recognizes me. "Hello Ashley, you’re here for the meeting with Mr. Johnson?"


    I nod my head in the affirmative. "Okay, just go through that door and take the elevator up to the fifth floor. His office is the first one on your right."


    "Okay, thanks."


    I walk over towards the metal detector and see the same officer from a few weeks ago standing there. He pulls out the same square shaped bin and like a robot he repeats his words. “If you have a cell phone, purse, or a set of keys please place them in this bin.” Knowing I would have to go through this process again I left my cellular in the car, so all I have to place in is my ring of keys. “Thank you, now just walk right through.” After completing this process he smiles and hands me my keys, motioning for me to go through.

    I successfully arrive on the fifth floor walking forward a few feet. When I reach the door I knock a few times and wait for a response. After a moment the door swings open and I am greeted by Johnson’s face.


    "Your right on time." He steps out of his office and into the hallway. "Follow me." I do as told and am led to the room directly next to Johnson’s office. He pulls the door open for me and I step in and take a look around.


    The room is pretty plain. White painted walls, an oversized desk in the center with small silver chairs on both sides, along the back wall are three tan filing cabinets.


    "Please, have a seat." I look back at Johnson then pull out a chair and sit down.


    "So why are we in here and not your office?" He nods his head wordlessly letting me know he heard the question. "This room has much more space than my office, and it’ll be easier for me to give you more detailed information on the case."

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    1. I never thought the Carlins could pull off some sort of mafia moves…..Even though I could totally imagine Spencer as the ” Say hello, to my little friend” type lol………Can’t wait for more!

    2. Holy Dang. Nice update. I’m super glad that Clay didn’t figure out that Ashley was on the other side, working for the cops. :) This is an awesome story. I love it and I can’t help but wonder why Glen faked his death. Yay! And I can’t wait until the next night at the bar when Ash and Spence strike up a real conversation!!! Love it! :)

    3. I never thought the Carlins could pull off some sort of mafia moves…..Even though I could totally imagine Spencer as the ” Say hello, to my little friend” type lol………Can’t wait for more!

    4. Holy Dang. Nice update. I’m super glad that Clay didn’t figure out that Ashley was on the other side, working for the cops. :) This is an awesome story. I love it and I can’t help but wonder why Glen faked his death. Yay! And I can’t wait until the next night at the bar when Ash and Spence strike up a real conversation!!! Love it! :)

    5. A dangerous Spencer is a mighty sexy Spencer. Oh man, Glen faked his own death, the Carlins are so notoriously awesome! Ok, that was lame, but I am toally psyched for the next chapter when Ashley and Spencer see each other again.

    6. A dangerous Spencer is a mighty sexy Spencer. Oh man, Glen faked his own death, the Carlins are so notoriously awesome! Ok, that was lame, but I am toally psyched for the next chapter when Ashley and Spencer see each other again.

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