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    Am I Your First or Your Forever – (Chapter: 7)

    "aw how cute"kyla said smiling at us.spencer blushed and i rolled my eyes."yeah so cute"aiden said laughing."aiden shut the fuck up"i said throwing a pillow at him."what the hell ash i was just kidding"he said rubbing his head as if the pillow really hurt him."aiden please don’t start with her"kyla asked him sweetly and i swear by the way he looked at her that he might love her back but i can’t be sure yet.remind me to ask him about it later."why don’t we all go out to dinner tomorrow night it could be a double date?"i asked looking at aiden and kyla."sounds great"aiden said taking kyla’s hand whuch made her blush."i’ll be right back guys"kyla said getting up and walking up the stairs.

    "aiden don’t come with us if your going to be with glen"spencer said which surprised aiden and me.i was going to say something but she beat me to it."ashley spencer i’m not going to hurt her i love her ok i finally said it i love kyla davies"he said smiling"aiden you better mean that"i said seriously."i do"he said looking me in the eyes."do what"kyla asked walking in the room."oh nothing"spencer said smiling at kyla"where;d you go?"aiden asked her."bathroom"she said sitting down next to me."you ok?"i asked so only she could hear me."yeah ash perfect"she said smiling at aiden which he didn’t see.did she hear him?or is she just trying to confuse me?i don’t know but i need to find out.


    kyla’s point of view.


    so i met ashley’s new girlfriend spencer.she’s nice funny and all that good stuff and i can tell she really loves ashley.which is a good thing most girls only go out with ash because of all the money we have but not spencer and ash loves her just as can see it when they look at eachother.right now they’re sitting out there with aiden.the guy i’ve been in love with since we were kids.he’s everything a girl could want could ask for but the fact that he’s gay sorry bi.too bad i guess.

    spencer’s point of view.


    i feel bad for kyla.she is so in love with aiden from what ashley tells me and you can see it.everytime he’s near her or when he looks at her she smiles or blushes.she has this look in her eyes everytime someone says his name or she looks at him it’s the same look me and ashley give eachother and aiden gives her.wait is he in love with her too?if he loves her why doesn’t he acted on it like me and ash did?god guys are so stupid.he should be with kyla now.stop saying he’s gay bi whatever.stop seeing my brother or whatever they’re doing and start dating kyla.

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