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    Decisions – (Chapter: 1)

                Spencer laid in the hospital bed. The steady beeps of the machines made her stir. She slowly opened her eyes. She looked around the room and saw her mom, Glen, Clay, her dad…and Ashley. Her eyes rested on Ashley, who was standing in the back of the room. Paula and Arthur rushed to Spencer’s side.

                “Honey,” Paula said, “how are you doing? Are you ok?”

                “I’m fine, mom,” Spencer said. She looked at Glen and Clay who were still dressed up. “Have you guys been here the whole time?”

                “Of course we have,” Glen said. “Do you honestly think that we could sit at home when our baby sister was in the hospital?”

                “You guys could’ve at least changed,” Spencer joked.

                Clay walked over to Spencer. “Ashley’s been here with us the whole time,” he whispered. “You should talk to her.”

                “Can you guys give me and Ashley a minute please?” Spencer sighed.

                “Sure honey,” Arthur said. “We’ll be right outside if you need anything.”

                Ashley waited until the door was closed before she walked over to the bed and sat at Spencer’s side. She leaned down and kissed Spencer’s forehead. “I’m so happy you’re ok,” she said. “I was so scared.”

                “Have you made your decision yet?” Spencer asked.

                “What?” Ashley asked.

                “The decision that you couldn’t make last night before I got shot,” Spencer said.

                “Oh that one,” Ashley said.

                “Well?” Spencer asked.

                “I need some more time, Spence,” Ashley said.

                “Fine,” Spencer said. “Then I do too. I think it’s time for you to leave.”

                “What?” Ashley asked, her eyes slowly starting to fill with tears.

                “I think it would be best for you to leave,” Spencer said. “Obviously, sitting here seeing me like this for hours hasn’t changed anything. I don’t know what will make you make the decision but I know that it won’t help me if you’re here right now.”

                “If that’s what you really want,” Ashley said. She stood up and the tears started to fall.

                “It is,” Spencer said.

                “Ok,” Ashley said. “I’ll talk to you later, I guess.”

                “Yeah,” Spencer said.

                “Goodbye,” Ashley said. She turned and walked out the door. The tears were falling heavily now. She walked past the Carlins and out to her car.

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    1. Yet another Post Season 2 fic. I see where Spencer is coming from. This is where I think Ashley needs to make herself clear, in this fic, as well as on the show, that she is trying to decide who she must have in her life, not who she is in love with. That she is choosing between someone she feels is family and her girlfriend, if that is what in fact she is doing, not choosing between to lovers. If Ashley isn’t in love with Aiden, then it should be clear that she is forced to choose between 2 people, not 2 people she is in love with. Personally, as soon as she couldn’t make a decision, that would have been it for me. If you don’t know you are in love with me without hesitation, or say u can’t choose, that means you don’t want me enough. We’ll see what happens.

    2. Yet another Post Season 2 fic. I see where Spencer is coming from. This is where I think Ashley needs to make herself clear, in this fic, as well as on the show, that she is trying to decide who she must have in her life, not who she is in love with. That she is choosing between someone she feels is family and her girlfriend, if that is what in fact she is doing, not choosing between to lovers. If Ashley isn’t in love with Aiden, then it should be clear that she is forced to choose between 2 people, not 2 people she is in love with. Personally, as soon as she couldn’t make a decision, that would have been it for me. If you don’t know you are in love with me without hesitation, or say u can’t choose, that means you don’t want me enough. We’ll see what happens.

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