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    Too Lost in You – (Chapter: 3)

    It is now Friday and Ashley and I scheduled a hang out right after school to know each other a little bit more since we haven’t really got a chance to talk during school days. When finally the last bell rang I waited by my locker near the parking lot so Ashley could pick me up. Five minutes passed by and she still wasn’t there. I began to doubt that she was even gonna come she’s been acting weird lately. I was about to leave when I heard a honk behind. I spotted Ashley in a brand new convertible Porsche, gosh she’s so rich and hot.


    ‘spencer over here,’ she called out motioning me to come to her direction. I hopped into the passenger seat as she drove away from school.


    ‘I like your new car’


    ‘thanks, I just got it’


    ‘it’s soo cool’ I said looking at all the new stuff in the car.


    ‘so where are we going’ she asked with her eye on the road.


    ‘wherever you wanna go’


    ‘hmm I don’t know you pick’


    ‘uhh…lets go to the pier’


    ‘all right.’ She said turning into the freeway.


    ‘so you single?’ I asked her


    ‘yeah pretty much. Why? You gonna ask me out or something’ she said nervously.


    ‘nope sorry I’m happily taken.’ I said with a smile.




    ‘oh yeah you didn’t know that huh.’




    ‘why what.’ I said with a confused look.


    ‘why did you kiss me!’ she yelled. ‘why did you tickle me and were like teasing me.’


    ‘it was just a kiss on the cheek.’


    ‘it meant more to me!’


    ‘it did?’


    ‘yes. You mean the world to me’ she blushed. ‘the first time I saw you I knew I was into you even though you were a girl.’


    ‘oh..i’m sorry to give you the wrong impression. I just thought it was a friendly thing to do. You know what I mean’


    ‘yeah sure..whatever you say spencer’ she said looking straight forward.


    It was really awkward for a few minutes. She placed one hand on the wheel and one on the gear shift as she drove on.


    ‘I’m sorry Ashley.’ I finally said placing my hand on top of hers on the gear shift.


    ‘just stop.’ She said pushing my hand off hers.


    ‘stop what’


    ‘stop! Stop stop stop.’ She cried. ‘stop touching me we don’t have a chance so stop teasing me! it hurts.’


    I just looked at her as one tear rolled down her face.


    ‘i..i..’ the words couldn’t come out of my mouth. I turned away and looked out the window and waited till we got to the pier.


    She pulled out of the freeway and parked in the parking lot.

    ‘were here I guess’ she said turning off the engine.


    ‘can we stay here. In the car.’ I asked not facing her.


    ‘you can stay I need to take a walk on the beach.’


    ‘oh.okay I’ll just wait for you I guess.’


    Ashley got out of the car and closed the door loudly. She walked away from the car as she headed for the beach.


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