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    Tombstone – (Chapter: Memories I [Chapter 2])

    “Hey Bro”
    “Umm, sorry I didn’t come yesterday, I was, well I was with her, just and her yesterday. I did really want to come but I couldn’t get out of bed, so I just laid there with her. Just taking in her scent, burning her image into my brain and holding her as close to me as humanly possible, with the occasional update to mom, and when I say update I mean complete and utter lie. And well me and her just, actually, you know what, just forget it, it won’t happen again bro.”

    I can feel a tear in my eye but no, I can’t cry. I promised that I wouldn’t cry no matter what, I promised I was going to be strong today, I just can’t cry I promised myself but most of all I promised her.

    “So, as you can tell, I’m actually talking to you today, instead of just thinking to you, or uhh, whatever it’s called. Umm, she told me it would make me feel better, you know, the talking to you out loud thing, and I guess it does make me fell a little better, well I guess she used to do this when she lost her…”

    I can feel the tears coming down my face but no I can’t I try to hold it in. I can’t cry, I just can’t. I think of her and how strong she’s made me and then I stop crying, god she really is my everything.

    “Yeah, I know what it sounds like, it sounds like I’m obsessed over her and well, maybe I am, but I mean who wouldn’t be when you first look at her, that body, those eyes, that face. She is just everything I could’ve ever asked for, everything I need and want and of course now things are most complicated between us.”

    “Everything has just been crazy you know, between us since prom and the shooting, especially for me when I found out you were gone, mom and dad lied to me saying you were going to be fine, actually if I hadn’t spoken with the funeral home I wouldn’t even have known. God, you being gone, me and her, mom and dad fighting all the time, well when he’s home, and Glen going to war, it all just seems likes yesterday since the night that changed all of our lives, you know.”

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