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    Too Lost in You – (Chapter: 4)

    Spencer what are you doing. You idiot you have this hot girl that likes you why do you still have a girlfriend back home. Spencer Spencer what are going to do. I could break up with Shannon and get with Ashley but is she really worth it. Of course Spencer! What are you talking about Ashley is totally worth it. She’s hot she’s rich she’s perfect. but Shannon my girlfriend from back in Ohio she’s my love of my life I can’t lose her for Ashley. Maybe..maybe I could tell Ashley I broke up with Shannon and get with her! Who’s going to know I mean Shannon and Ashley don’t even know each other. Good plan good plan Spencer. Now go get her tiger!


    I quickly got out of the car and started walking to the pier. How the hell am I going to find Ashley in this place? I’ll just call her..yeah I’ll call her. Wait you idiot you don’t have her number. How can I not have her number! What the hell is wrong with me? Ugh so now I have to make an effort to find Ashley. It’s okay I’m good at finding things. I’m really good at finding things like Ashley’s lip gloss. Ashley…Ashley god she’s hot. Okay spencer focus focus find Ashley. I ran up and down the pier trying to find her. ‘ashley! Ashley!’ I called out. people are starting to stare. I quickly ran off the pier and started looking on the beach. I spotted a tiny brunette sitting by the water. Ashley?


    ‘ashley!?!’ i yelled running up to a familiar looking girl


    ‘yeah?’ she looked back. ‘oh it’s you again.’


    ‘I’m so sorry Ashley.’ I said sitting next to her.


    ‘we have no chance.’

    ‘yes we do.’ I said with a smile.


    ‘but…but…you have a girlfriend back home.’


    ‘not anymore.’




    ‘I broke up with her. right now. Cause what you said to me I felt it too. The first time I saw you, the first time I touched you, the first time I looked in your eyes. I knew it was right. And what you said in the car it just came to and I realized that you’re the one I want. You’re the one that I want to be with not Shannon but Ashley.’

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    1. omfg that was a wicked quick post lol please do it again…amazin i love how spencer aint so innocent, but i hope her and her girlfriend break up for real lol

    2. omfg that was a wicked quick post lol please do it again…amazin i love how spencer aint so innocent, but i hope her and her girlfriend break up for real lol

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