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    Time Doesn’t Exist. Clocks Exist. – (Chapter: Ch.7: Spencer, Meet Brown Eyes)

    Spencer Carlin never was the outdoorsy type. Sure, she had done her share of athletic activities in the past: cheerleading, gymnastics, yoga; but none of them required her to be outside. With the dirt. And animals. And bugs. And…just…ew. Needless to say, the men’s decision to take advantage of the momentarily unfrozen river a few miles away by white water rafting did not rest well on Spencer.

    Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow. Ouch! Ok, I’m pretty sure I just got bit by some sort of deadly poisonous snake. If I die today because Patrick just had to resort back to being a fucking boy scout, I am so breaking up with him. And we couldn’t just take one of those nice little guided rafts down the river. No, because according to Patrick “They rip you off by having a little pansy that has done less rafting trips than I have sit in the back of your raft to give you a false sense of security.”

    Well, sue me Patrick. I like security, even a false sense of it. And right now, I don’t feel secure at all because we’re trekking through some black marshy gook paralleling the river trying to find what Aiden calls “The Mother of All Drops.”

    Okay, I’m no white water rafting expert, but that does NOT sound safe.

    The boys held the yellow inflatable over their heads leading the way with Ashley immediately behind them and Spencer following on her heels, both the girls squealing with every step, willing to bet money that they just saw some mutant piranha or giant Anaconda-esque snake.

    “Alright guys, it should be right up here.”

    The blonde was long past believing Aiden’s claims of actually knowing where they were. The only thing she wanted to do now was be back in the warm cabin with a glass of wine in her hand, resuming her conversation with Ashley.

    Yes, she was still thinking about it. Yes, she knew it was ridiculous. Yes, she knew that they didn’t even discuss anything of importance, but for some reason she kept replaying the evening in her head over and over again, wondering what else they would have discussed if the guys hadn’t shown up with their always impeccable timing.

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    1. that was an excellent scene, despite the pain of ashley’s injury. this crush spencer has is engulfing her pretty quickly, and i have a feeling its reciprocated, even if just a bit…

    2. Amazing Chapter. I loved it and that whole scene was so wonderfully described, I could picture it in my head. I Cant wait to see what happens next. Post More Soon

    3. Spencer needs to find the balls to comfort Ashley. They both need each other and the longer they don’t address the situation, the longer things will be put on hold. Update soon please. This is an awesome story and you are a great writer.

    4. that was an excellent scene, despite the pain of ashley’s injury. this crush spencer has is engulfing her pretty quickly, and i have a feeling its reciprocated, even if just a bit…

    5. Amazing Chapter. I loved it and that whole scene was so wonderfully described, I could picture it in my head. I Cant wait to see what happens next. Post More Soon

    6. Spencer needs to find the balls to comfort Ashley. They both need each other and the longer they don’t address the situation, the longer things will be put on hold. Update soon please. This is an awesome story and you are a great writer.

    7. I love where this is going and how well you describe Spence’s thoughts and feelings. The tension is palpable, and as a result I salute you! I can’t wait to read more of your amazing words, and look forward to a time when Ash&Spence get a bit closer… God knows it’s nice when things go right for a change! Jx

    8. I love where this is going and how well you describe Spence’s thoughts and feelings. The tension is palpable, and as a result I salute you! I can’t wait to read more of your amazing words, and look forward to a time when Ash&Spence get a bit closer… God knows it’s nice when things go right for a change! Jx

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