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    Come on Closer – (Chapter: What a Day)


    I wake up the next morning feeling pretty good for as much as a drank last night. Maybe it had something to do with the woman in the bar. Ashley. But thats still up for debate. I roll out of bed and start the coffee pot as I get into the shower. I do the hair and makeup thing, throw on a skirt suit, and sit down to enjoy my coffee. I love coffee. As I’m finishing my first cup I notice my fish staring at me. Probably questioning why I came home so late last night.

    “Hey buddies, did I wake you up when I came in?” I ask, not feeling ridiculous at all about talking to my fish. Sure at first I did but I figured out that they’re the perfect things to unload too. They don’t talk back, hold opinions, or interrupt. Everyone should have fish.

    “I know, I’m sorry. I just, guys I got so caught up. I met this person last night, this girl. It was weird because I didn’t even talk to her but I felt like she understood me. I mean not literally because she knows nothing about me but I knew she understood why I was alone. Does that sound stupid?” I said looking expectantly. Rossi turned around and started swimming towards the top. Carlo just kept staring. At least Carlo loves me.

    “Of course that sounds stupid. I can’t believe I kissed her. CARLO! I kissed her! Where is that confidence and why can’t I tap into it more often,” I asked still amazed at my actions last night. I would almost go as far as to say that I regret them. I mean sure I will probably never see that girl again, but still what was running through her head. Does she like girls? Do I even like girls? Yeah i’ve slept with them, but do I like them? Can I love one and deal with the ramifications?

    It was weird because all these thoughts are racing through my head and I really can’t draw an answer to any of them. I don’t need to answer any of them. It was a one time thing. I was okay with that though, I have never been someone in need of an answer. I can let things go, let them roll off my back. Which is probably why things have ended up the way they are, because I’m okay with sitting on the sidelines.

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    1. Haha…Here we go!Can’t wait to know how awkward the next hour is going to turn out……I something takes over you all of a sudden and you decide to post more today ;)….Anyways…loved the update!

    2. UH OHHH! spaghettios! haha this should be QUITE the interesting lunch. will there be flirting in the form of touching under the table? or will it just be completely awkward?! ONLY TIME WILL TELL! dun dun dunnnn. excellent update

    3. Hahahaha! YES!!! This was awesome. This is going to be great, I can tell. Sweeeet! Update real soon so I can laugh some more. I find this so interesting. And the way that Ashley kept saying OH Shit after each sentence was so effin’ hilarious. :] Love.

    4. Haha…Here we go!Can’t wait to know how awkward the next hour is going to turn out……I something takes over you all of a sudden and you decide to post more today ;)….Anyways…loved the update!

    5. UH OHHH! spaghettios! haha this should be QUITE the interesting lunch. will there be flirting in the form of touching under the table? or will it just be completely awkward?! ONLY TIME WILL TELL! dun dun dunnnn. excellent update

    6. Hahahaha! YES!!! This was awesome. This is going to be great, I can tell. Sweeeet! Update real soon so I can laugh some more. I find this so interesting. And the way that Ashley kept saying OH Shit after each sentence was so effin’ hilarious. :] Love.

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