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    It’s New York City Anything Can Happen – (Chapter: 2)

    Spencer opened the door and knocked firmly on the frame announcing her arrival to the household. A raven-haired girl came charging at her, jumping into her arms, and knocking her backwards onto the couch. Spencer looked up into her smiling wife’s face and couldn’t help but smile right back.

     "Aww I love you too babe!" she proclaimed. Kyla leaned in and kissed the blonde sweetly before jumping off her and heading for the kitchen. Spencer watched her go and thought about how great her life was. She had grown up in a little town in Ohio but had moved to New York for college despite her mother’s protests. It was there that she had met Kyla Woods. They had immediately hit it off, and started to date. Next thing the blonde knew they were one of those happy couples that she always saw on TV. Speaking of… Spencer turned on their flat screen in their living room and yelled to Kylan in the kitchen.

    "What’s for dinner, hun?"

    "Your favorite!" Spencer’s smile increased.

    "Are you wearing whipped cream or chocolate this time?" she asked trying not to laugh. Kyla entered the living room and leaned against the door frame, giving her wife disapproving look. "What?" the blonde yelled in her defense a smirk crossing her face, "I couldn’t resist…"

    "Well anyway! It’s shepherds pie!"

    "I guess it’ll do…though I think you taste better," she winked at her wife and Kyla let out a groan of annoyance though Spencer swore she saw a smile.

    "Just come eat!" Spencer chuckled and went to turn off the television. As she reached for the remote the news repot on the screen caught her eye. Instead of turning off the television she just turned up the volume. Kyla who was sitting in the dinning room alone left her seat once again to go find her blonde. She found Spencer on the edge of her seat staring at the television screen intently.

    "Spencer wha-?" the blonde shushed her quickly. Kyla a little annoyed turned her gaze to the television as well. She let out a gasp of shock and disguist as a picture of very broken man was shown on the television.

    "Reginald Points, was brutally attacked tonight at a night club in downtown Manhattan," the newscaster said in a very deep and gruff voice, "the attaker, Ashley Davies…" a picture of a young woman was placed on the screen. SPencer felt her heart give a jump as the newscasters voice was drowned out in her head. She looked at the girl and found that she couldn’t tear her eyes away even after Kyla had called her name several times. She’s so beautiful…

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