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    Finally On the Ground – (Chapter: Der Fleidermouse)

    The smells, the earthy rich scents of spices and cooking, combined with the bright oranges and reds, deep brown hues of the cloth, made Spencer’s insides melt. She loved the bazaar. Ever since she was a child, it had represented the potentially only seedy underside of the planet. For that reason, her mother had always frowned apon it severely. Maybe that was secretly why Spencer loved it so.


    She loved to finger the clothes, taste the food, and smile at the sellers, who looked that bit more exotic when drawn away from the whitewash and stone that made up the rest of the town. They looked like gypsies, even though they probably lived in the basement apartments of the buildings Spencer knew and loved. They too were part of this planet, but take them in here, into the weaving alleys and throng of the bazaar, and they became a different people. A wondrous people.


    Spencer knew her imagination worked a little too hard. It was all she had. She loved her home, loved her family and loved her job. In the swirling chaos that was the universe, this was a pretty lucky place to be. Safe, secure and warm. She had a place here, and a life that many would dream of, and yet… she let her imagination wander. What the rest of the universe would be like. She knew one day she had to see it. If only so she could come back and love what she had all the more.


    Shrugging in the warmth of the afternoon, Spencer pushed further into the stalls and let her mind fly away.




    Ashley mosied her way through the bazaar. It was heavy with cooking food, dense air thick with noise and action. It was nothing compared to some of the markets Ashley had been to. Despite the masses of tents, the cobblestones beneath her feet were relatively clean and all of the merchants looked on the mostly side of honest.


    ‘Bet they aren’t all honest. Now to find the ones that aren’t.’


    At least they could point her in the way of a decent drink. God knows she was going to need one. She nearly snorted at her own pun. Here on a church planet, God probably knew a lot more of what was floating around in her head. God was probably blushing and muttering to himself, wondering how one of his flock had wandered quite so far. Ashley was perfectly happy how she was thank you very much.

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    1. If you’re floating all 2001 style, I’m totally still one of the fucking monkey’s that learn that they can beat each other with sticks. ::thumps Clom on the noggin::

    2. AT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE IT! LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE IT! i just cant..i dont know what to say. i just love it. eek. i cant wait for more.

    3. Haha. I love that Spencer is so shy and that Ashley is confident. :] It’s amazing the things you do Clom, and I bet you’re even more amazing wen floating around in space. Let me know how it feels to be up there zooming around like that. And oh yeah, update soon. I want to see more of how Spencer reacts and I want to see when the two meet again. I wonder how long Ashley will stay on the planet….

    4. If you’re floating all 2001 style, I’m totally still one of the fucking monkey’s that learn that they can beat each other with sticks. ::thumps Clom on the noggin::

    5. AT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE IT! LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE IT! i just cant..i dont know what to say. i just love it. eek. i cant wait for more.

    6. Haha. I love that Spencer is so shy and that Ashley is confident. :] It’s amazing the things you do Clom, and I bet you’re even more amazing wen floating around in space. Let me know how it feels to be up there zooming around like that. And oh yeah, update soon. I want to see more of how Spencer reacts and I want to see when the two meet again. I wonder how long Ashley will stay on the planet….

    7. Ahhhhhh!!! I adore, adore, adore this fic! Well, I love all of your fics really, =) but I am totally diggin’ this one! I love confident Ashley, she is just tooooo smooth. Hehe PMS.. please?

    8. Ahhhhhh!!! I adore, adore, adore this fic! Well, I love all of your fics really, =) but I am totally diggin’ this one! I love confident Ashley, she is just tooooo smooth. Hehe PMS.. please?

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