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    I Try To Deny It – (Chapter: What’s with up with that?)

    Ashley sprinted to her classroom with seconds to spare. Her teacher surveyed her with mild surprise.


    “How nice of you to be on time today Ashley.” He remarked.


    The brunette smiled and shrugged her shoulders.


    “What can I say? I felt like actually learning today.”


    The educator shook his head and motioned for Ashley to take her seat. Just as she sat down the bell rang and everyone shuffled around. Ashley examined her classmates and finally found Spencer sitting to her back left. She smiled and tried to figure out a way to communicate with the blonde. Her thoughts were interrupted, though, when the teacher declared today everybody was pairing up in partners.


    Ashley still couldn’t believe her luck today. This was going to be too easy. Mr. Holt waved his hand in response to the lack of movement he was receiving from his students.


    “Go ahead and pick your partners. You’re not in second grade.”


    At that, the teenagers stirred from their desks and looked for their friends. Immediately Ashley stood up and walked over to Spencer. Blue eyes met brown and something happened. A spark passed through them. Ashley instantly dismissed it as nothing and continued on her path towards the blonde. Spencer gave a wary smile and their eye contact didn’t falter.


    Finally, after what seemed like forever, Ashley arrived at Spencer’s desk and introduced herself.


    “Hi, I’m Ashley.”


    “Hey, I’m Spencer.” She politely sticks her hand out and waits for Ashley to take it.


    When their hands meet another strange spark passes through them but this time it is more blatantly obvious. Ashley pushes it out of her mind with difficulty. She has to stay on task and get to know Spencer.


    “I’ve seen you around a couple of times, I think.” Spencer states.


    “Yeah, well everyone pretty much knows who I am. I’m not that hard to miss.” The girl grimaced and thought. Basically because of all the rumors Madison starts.


    Spencer nods her head slightly. Everything she knows about Ashley is what she’s heard from other people.


    “So do you have a partner?” Ashley asked.


    “Actually, no. Do you want to work with me?” Spencer asks out of courtesy.

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    1. I think your story is really great. And your writing is not “bad”.. I like it and the chemistry between them expatiates till germany where I live. So please continue and I hope the relation between both doesn’t break if Spencer will hear about the bet (Madison) or what will Ashley do when she notices, and I guess so, that she feels more. And what is it, what Aiden wants? Please more…Natalie

    2. I think your story is really great. And your writing is not “bad”.. I like it and the chemistry between them expatiates till germany where I live. So please continue and I hope the relation between both doesn’t break if Spencer will hear about the bet (Madison) or what will Ashley do when she notices, and I guess so, that she feels more. And what is it, what Aiden wants? Please more…Natalie

    3. hey you. thanks for the sentiments :) . i had a better day. saw the G’ma she seems good :) went to the beach ..which didnt suck hehe im on the coast so its close lol… so yeh i think your story is great so keep writing it!!!

    4. hey you. thanks for the sentiments :) . i had a better day. saw the G’ma she seems good :) went to the beach ..which didnt suck hehe im on the coast so its close lol… so yeh i think your story is great so keep writing it!!!

    5. I’m sorry that I am late commenting on this. I’m catching up on my reading. I loved this! I don’t know if it’s just me but the way you wrote their chemistry was making my skin feel all tingly. Maybe it’s because of stuff going on with me right now. I don’t know. But I love when a story does that to me. PMS!

    6. I’m sorry that I am late commenting on this. I’m catching up on my reading. I loved this! I don’t know if it’s just me but the way you wrote their chemistry was making my skin feel all tingly. Maybe it’s because of stuff going on with me right now. I don’t know. But I love when a story does that to me. PMS!

    7. I don’t usually comment, but on the last post i just wanted to share my day (i guess your pleas got to me) and now i think i just like the fact that you answered me back. Also i am very content, sitting here with my huge cup of coffee, the way i see it my day started off good and post made it a little bit better. Anyway, geat post keep going. PMS! P.S. mmmm coffee

    8. I don’t usually comment, but on the last post i just wanted to share my day (i guess your pleas got to me) and now i think i just like the fact that you answered me back. Also i am very content, sitting here with my huge cup of coffee, the way i see it my day started off good and post made it a little bit better. Anyway, geat post keep going. PMS! P.S. mmmm coffee

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