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    Keep Me – (Chapter: (2) So we begin)

    The moment Blue stepped inside Gabby’s large, extravagant apartment, full of random paintings and the tools used to create them, the hoody and unnecessary beanie were discarded opting to leave the sunglasses on and wait for Gabby. The aforementioned redhead plopped down on the couch instantly crashing her lips to Blue’s. Gabby pulled away a smile adorning her delicate features.
    "So are you doing that tournament thing downtown?" she says. All the while trailing kisses down Blue’s neck
    “I don’t know, to many people…mmm, so well"

    "Then thousand bucks, just what you need for your garage baby. Do it for me?"


    Their lips met and move against one another yet again as Gabby moves to rid Blue of the glasses. Almost on instinct Blue grabs her wrist.

    Pulling away, “Please, just…just let them stay tonight"
    Gabby is eerily silent just staring at Blue, suddenly she lets out an almost exaggerated sigh. Almost.

    "Spence, I just don’t understand…..why can’t you just let me in? I mean, I get why you’re so guarded. With every thing that happened-"

    "Don’t ok? Please just don’t do this tonight…I’m trying to celebrate and your just fucking that up. Why is it every time I try to be with you it turns into some fucking therapist session where you try to like, psychoanalyze me? All I want is to fuc-"

    "I’m your friend first Spencer. Your best friend at that….so stop treating me like some random hook up or just your fuck buddy ok? It hurts; you keep shutting me out and it hurts"

    "You know I don’t mean to, but you also have to realize that it hurts me too. Seeing you constantly trying. And I just…..can’t ok? So just fucking drop it already. Look I just really want you right now ok"

    Gabby leans in close, her lips a mere centimeter away brushing against Blue’s as she whispered an "ok" then closed the distance.


    "Are you serious?!"

    "Yeah, dude I’ve been to every on of Blue’s races since his coming to L.A.. And that shit had to be the best one."

    Aiden Dennison sat in a Lazy Boy as his best friend and ex tuned her car. What ever that meant was absolutely lost on him but he couldn’t help thinking that it was hot to see his former lover virtually smothered in grease and talking about carburetors and all this other shit that he didn’t know much about. It also made him happy to see that she had something to be so passionate about. It kept her hands full and helped her focus more on school than the drugs and her dead father. More importantly though it made him miss her.

    "Well you know, I hear he’s gunna be in the big ass tournament thing I set up"

    Ashley rolls out from under her Honda civic in that oh so cliché way you only see in movies. A very common car, but of Corse Ashley insists that once she gets inside it would a one of a kind.  And it was….now.

    "Why is it that you didn’t tell me that the fucking second you got in hear?" feigning anger but the all to present smirk she was sporting was more than a dead give away.

    "Aww, and ruin the fun of knowing something you would give an extra limb to know?"

    "Ugh, your an ass Dennison"

    "And you love me Davies"
    The way he said it threw her of for a moment.
    Just a moment.
    Rolling back underneath the confines of her heaven,
    “Anyway, if he’s racing I’m totally in. It’s like my dream to race him. I like challenges, you know, and that guy, Blue, he’s like unbeatable. I wanna be the one to take him down…"

    "I dunno Ash-"

    "Nope, not listening unless it’s positive. Can’t beat the greats with negative thoughts swimming around in your brain and shit"
    Rolling back out and standing up Ashley walked a few paces forward and wiped her hands off on the rag she had retrieved.

    "Now I’m gunna get some shut eye….got classes tomorrow"

    "How’s that going?"

    She turned and faced him, detecting a little malice in his voice but shrugged it of, instead she simply replied with a "good, I guess" while walking him to his car.




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