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    EVERYONE LOVES A SKATER – (Chapter: what’s it’s like)

                jeremy  sits  in the car with spencer in the front of ashley’s house. ”so what happened last night,i kind dont wanna talk about it ”spencer replies fidgeting with her hands.”well um tell me how it goes and um you two make a great couple ,shut up all guys wish for lesbians.jeremy jermey oh sorry basking in the moment”. spencer steps out of the car as jeremy drives off. spencer knocks on the door ”helllo hellllo ,come in whoever you are. spencer turns the corner to see ash dancing and while watching dawsons creek and singing the theme song into her remote.”wow sweet and talented ,ashley turns her head only to slip and fall with a thud.”om god are you okay ash,she just lays there not moving spencer hoovers her lips just above ashley just lay there motionless spencer then brings her lips down to ashley only to be suprised when ashley kisses back . ashley is shocked to find spencer not pulling away but at the same time noticing how soft her lips and how good they taste all at the same time.spencer feels a hand on the back of the her head as chris brown’s yo excuse me miss.”spencer im sorry about yesterday i freaked out that we would never happen because i like you so mu- ash shut up and kiss me again yes ma’am. the next day at school ”hey ash whats up you ready for french class i love it speaking of love french is the language of love or is it spabish”spence stop with the crack jesus overdose ,shut up ash god .spencer looks at ashley up and down black tight hoodie baggy jeans white audios she’s so cute.”wait ash when did you get your ears gaged ,um not too long ago i just neve wear the earring”. spencer takes ashleys hand and loops them with hers ”spencer people will see ,i want them to let the whole world know IM DATING THE HOTTEST SKATEBOARDER EVER ASHLEY DAVIES”.some people laugh others look in disgust,jeremy runs up and says ”ash dude we have a gig at nitro that club like two blocks away,dude thats so awesome spencer says ash that is so great im reall happy for tell me how it goes,what are you saying your coming cuz i wrote a song just for you”. madison walks bye and says ”ay dios mios you forgot about me already ”. madison winks and walks off with her posse.”ash what was that please dont tell me that you and madison hooked up,ashley laughs and says okay i wont tell you” god are you always so immature god” spencer storms off


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