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    The Assistant – (Chapter: 3)

    Spencer awoke confused and panicked. She knew she was in Ashley’s bed.  But Ashley was gone.  That meant she’d slept later than Ashley.  That meant completely sober Ashley had seen her there, in her bed.  In the countless times Spencer had stayed with Ashley that had never happened. Never had she stayed until the morning.  Never had she fallen asleep longer than a quick nap.  Never had Ashley awakened to find her there.

    Spencer had fallen asleep sitting up against the headboard, but now she was lying under the covers.  She squeezed her eyes shut, praying that when she opened them again she would be somewhere else, somewhere not in her boss’s bed.  But she opened them to disappointment, unable to wish away reality.  She groaned as she got out of the bed. 

    Maybe, hopefully, Ashley had already left the penthouse.  Then Spencer could just leave and pretend that sober Ashley hadn’t awakened to find her sleeping in her bed.  They could just pretend that it never happened. Much like they pretended Spencer didn’t get called in to pick up Ashley after a binge. 

    Spencer grabbed her purse and cell phone and tiptoed out of the room, keeping a close watch for Ashley.  She walked through the long hallway, passed the bathroom and the guest bedrooms with no sign of her.  But when she got closer to the kitchen and heard the clatter of pans, she knew Ashley was still there.  And there was no way she could get out of the penthouse without passing by the kitchen.

    For a moment, the smell of frying bacon sidetracked her from her thoughts.  She was starving.  It was nearly noon and she hadn’t eaten since early yesterday.  She shook the thoughts of food out of her head and tried to focus.  There must be something she could say when she walked out that wouldn’t make this as awkward as it was.  She wondered if Ashley would even remember asking her to stay or how drunk she was last night.  They never talked about those nights, so she was never sure how much of them Ashley ever remembered.

    Once Spencer gave up on the idea that a prepared speech would ease the awkwardness of the situation, she stepped out of the dim hallway and into the bright lights of the dining room.  Ashley was busily working at the oven in the kitchen right next to it.  Spencer was just about to clear her throat to get her attention, when Ashley spoke.

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    1. OK, hating Carmen right now. Bitch! Ashley’s being an ass too. Someone needs to start taking care of Spencer and it has to be Ash. PMS!!

    2. but didn’t ashley’s mom fuck her over? she had to ask. don’t worry, ash, i’m not mad at you! I’m kind of pissed at spence though, she so does not have to go out with carmen, yuck. love the story, when I saw it was from you i knew it would be good. pms

    3. great job loved it you should kill carmen off just kidding.spencer need to tell her that she can’t see her then spencer wouldn’t have to go out with her.ashley needs to tell spencer she likes her or loves her which ever one it is.oh and i love sammy shes so cute pms please

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